Israel attacks US
by Jerry Ghinelli
http://axisoflogic.com/, Jan 1,

The government of Israel today launched
a massive air assault on suspected terrorist targets along major
coastal cities in the United States of America. In an operation
termed "Friendly Enemy," hundreds of Israeli F-16 fighter
jets streaked across the Atlantic in precise formation and fired
surgical air strikes at alleged terrorist strongholds in densely
populated Muslim communities all along the northeast corridor
of the United States. The American-made Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter
jets then continued south, inflicting massive destruction in densely
populated Muslim communities along many southeastern US states
as well.
Reaction to the attacks on the US was swift. President Bush and
President-Elect Obama both appealed for restraint, but stated
emphatically, "Israel has the right to defend itself."
President Bush, who took an oath to defend the US and to preserve,
protect and defend it against all foreign and domestic enemies,
stated that the War on Terror must be fought anywhere and everywhere
in the world, even on US soil, if necessary. "Our close relationship
with Israel, our steadfast ally in the War on Terror, requires
extraordinary sacrifices by the American people and requires exceptions
to both US and international law," said Bush.
President-Elect Barack Obama reiterated, "There is only one
president at a time, and President [George] Bush speaks for the
United States of America until January 20th" Obama did, however,
declare his "unconditional, unquestioning support of Israel's
right to self-defense and to wage preemptive attacks whenever
and wherever necessary to combat terrorism." He said, "There
will be no change in my administration when it comes to our unquestioning
allegiance to the State of Israelthat is a promise you can [most
certainly] believe in," said Obama.
Earlier in the day, the US Senate had passed a nearly unanimous
resolution supporting Israel. Even northeast Senators Frank Lautenberg
(NJ), Charles Schumer (NY), Joe Lieberman (CT) and John Kerry
(MA), whose states were attacked, voted along with 93 other US
Senators, backing Israel's right to "self-defense."
Only Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold voted against the resolution.
There were two absentees.
In an emergency special session of the US Senate, Hillary Clinton
claimed there were terrorists hiding in US cities who had links
to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah. Hillary Clinton, President-Elect
Obama's incoming Secretary of State, who has been a staunch supporter
of Israel during her tenure as senator from New York, pledged
her continued unwavering and unquestioning support of Israel.
America's position "[when it comes to Israel] is unchanging,
our resolve unyielding, our stance non-negotiable," she emphasized.
Vice-President Elect, Senator Joe Biden (DE), who is currently
the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also declared
his unwavering support for the Jewish state. "You don't have
to be Jewish to be a Zionist," Biden declared.
Barack Obama's incoming Chief of Staff, former US Representative
Rahm Emanuel, 5th Congressional District of Illinois, who has
dual American and Israeli citizenship and is known as the Zionist
pit bull, remained uncharacteristically silent. Embroiled in the
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich scandal, Emanuel refused to
comment on the Israeli attacks on US cities. Blagojevich was arrested
and charged with trying to sell President-Elect Obama's vacated
Illinois senate seat. Congressman Emanuel had made several "suggestions"
on who the embattled Governor should appoint. Emanuel has not
been charged with any wrongdoing at this time.
During the 2008 Presidential campaign, key Democrats, most notably
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, harshly criticized the Bush administration
for mismanaging the economy, ignoring the 2001 Bin Laden threats,
and botching the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Now they are
criticizing President Bush for not doing enough to investigate
potential terrorist sanctuaries in US cities, thereby forcing
the Israelis to act unilaterally.
The Israeli incursion was the first on American soil by a foreign
government since the December 1941 incursion by the empire of
Japan. But on June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israeli jet
fighters also attacked a neutral US Navy technical research ship
named the USS Liberty, killing 34 crewmen and wounding 172 others.
Israel later apologized for the incident, suggesting its forces
had attacked the USS Liberty in error. The Israelis claimed it
had misidentified the Liberty as an unknown destroyer. Surviving
Liberty crewmen claim that the attack was deliberate and premeditated.
Israel's attack on the USS Liberty remains the only major maritime
incident in American history not investigated by Congress.
Across the US, those Americans unaffected by the Israeli attacks
were mainly concerned how this incident might affect the already
fragile US economy. Most Americans continued their holiday vacations,
largely unconcerned with the massive loss of life but quite concerned
whether stricken areas might further impact the plummeting value
of their homes.
The mainstream media, always cautious of being branded anti-Semitic
and thus losing advertising revenue, especially during difficult
economic times, repeatedly defended the Israeli attacks as proportionate
and justified.
Any critics who called the Israeli incursion an attack on the
US and demanded retribution were labeled anti-Semites and soft
on terrorism.
Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni defended her country's
use of force. "There are no safe havens anywhere in the world
when it comes to fighting terror," said Livni. The American
death toll is expected to be "only" in the hundreds,
still far below the deaths that occurred on 9/11 by Islamic terrorists.
Israeli pilots use only the finest precision weapons. Terrorists
use crude devices like box-cutters, suicide vests and IEDs (Impoverished
Explosive Devices). "We abhor the death of any innocent Americans
killed by our precision air strikes, but you have to lay the blame
on the terrorists who are hiding in these crowded American cities,"
she rationalized.
Livni's justification for the US incursion relied heavily on US
Vice-President Richard "Dick" Cheney's "1%"
doctrine, which treats suspicions of terrorist involvement with
a likelihood of even 1% as a certainty. "[If] we think, therefore
there are," she said philosophically.
The British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Gordon Brown and Stephen
Harper respectively, also supported the Israeli incursion into
the US. Both deeply regretted the loss of any innocent American
lives. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called the Israeli
incursion "just and proportionate." President Bush phoned
Prime Minister Brown and thanked him for his support during this
difficult time.
President Bush noted that the American casualties from the Israeli
raids were not equal to those killed in terrorist attacks on 9/11.
"There is no moral equivalence between those killed in self-defense
by Israeli warriors fighting for a democratically elected government
and those killed by rogue [Al-Qaeda] terrorists who hate the freedoms
we enjoy," Bush suggested.
Despite some minor collateral damage to some synagogues, traditional
liberal Jewish-American leaders remained steadfast in their unwavering
defense of Israel. There was far more criticism and debate of
the Israeli attacks on the US in the Knesset and among the Israeli
public than there was in the US Congress or the American Jewish
community, respectively.
Those few critics of the incursion contend that all Americans
are protected by American and international law, and the strikes
against the US should be construed as war crimes. US law prohibits
the use of American-made weapons to be used for offensive purposes.
Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey stated that the war on terror
supersedes all constitutional guarantees, and international law
does not apply to anyone engaging in or even thinking about engaging
in terrorism. Israel's actions were in self-defense, he added.
In the UN, a Security Council resolution introduced by France,
condemning the Israeli attacks on the United States was vetoed
by the United States.
Local hospitals overflowed with American survivors of the Israeli
air strikes. This time, though, the victims asked not "why
do they hate us?" but "why do we love them?"
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