Israel watch

GAZA 2014
"...The charge that criticism
of Israel is implicitly anti-Semitic -- is regarded in Israel
and the United States as Israel's trump card. If it has been played
more insistently and aggressively in recent years, that is because
it is now the only card left. The habit of tarring any foreign
criticism with the brush of anti-Semitism is deeply ingrained
in Israeli political instincts: Ariel Sharon used it with characteristic
excess but he was only the latest in a long line of Israeli leaders
to exploit the claim. David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir did no different.
But Jews outside of Israel pay a high price for this tactic. Not
only does it inhibit their own criticisms of Israel for fear of
appearing to associate with bad company, but it encourages others
to look upon Jews everywhere as de facto collaborators in Israel's
misbehavior. When Israel breaks international law in the occupied
territories, when Israel publicly humiliates the subject populations
whose land it has seized -- but then responds to its critics with
loud cries of "anti-Semitism" -- it is in effect saying
that these acts are not Israeli acts, they are Jewish acts: The
occupation is not an Israeli occupation, it is a Jewish occupation,
and if you don't like these things it is because you don't like
Jews. In many parts of the world this is in danger of becoming
a self-fulfilling assertion: Israel's reckless behavior and insistent
identification of all criticism with anti-Semitism is now the
leading source of anti-Jewish sentiment in Western Europe and
much of Asia..."
excerpted from the article
"The Country that Wouldn't Grow Up"
by Tony Judt
Ha'aretz,, 5/5/06

"It is like what was done
[by the Nazis] to us during the Shoa [the Judeocide of WW II]."
"What we are doing in
the territories [occupied since 1967] has aroused them [the Palestinians].
I understand them. If somebody had done the same things to us,
we would have reacted exactly like them."
Israeli national singer Yafa Yarkoni,
comparing the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) with the Nazis,
April 2002
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs
Norman Finkelstein
"For the most part, Israel
is the subcontractor for American arms to the 'Third World.' There
is no terrible regime-Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, Argentina
and Chile during the time of the colonels, Burma, Taiwan, Zaire,
Liberia, Congo, Sierra Leone-there is not one that does not have
a major military connection to Israel.... So this is the missing
piece... Israel is a key member of the empire."
Jeff Halper
"It is both my Jewish
and human duty to resolutely refuse to take any part in this army.
As the son of a people victim to pogroms and destruction, I cannot
be a part of your insane policies. As a human being, it is my
duty to refuse to participate in any institution which commits
crimes against humanity."
Sergio Yahni, Israeli army 'refusnik'
" The terrorism of suicide
bombings was born of despair. There is no military solution to
Nahum Barnea, columnist for Israeli
newspaper Yedoit Ahronot
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