Big Oil & Their Bankers In
The Persian Gulf
Four Horsemen, Eight Families
& Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network
by Dean Henderson
2005, paperback

Kermit Roosevelt, the Mossadegh coup-master [Iran, 1953] admitted
in his memoirs that SAVAK was 100% created by the CIA and Mossad,
the Israeli intelligence agency that acts as appendage of the
No corporations profited more than US defense contractors [from
the 1953 Iran coup]. From 1950-63 the Middle East received 3%
of US military aid to the world. From 1971-75 it received 60.2%.
[21] The bulk of it went to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran
and Saudi Arabia were the "Twin Pillars" in President
Nixon's 1972 Guam Doctrine. Nixon and his cronies saw these two
nations as critical to ensuring a steady cheap supply of crude
oil to the US. Saudi reserves are estimated at 261 billion barrels,
while Iran sits atop nearly 100 billion barrels.
... Revenues received by both the Shah
and his House of Saud counterparts were recycled back into US
money-center banks JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan and Citibank. These
banks own huge blocks of stock in the Four Horsemen [Big Four
oil companies - Royal Dutch Shell, ChevronTexico, ExxonMobil,
British Petroleum] and in the defense contractors which now jostled
for position in both Tehran and Riyadh. Chase Manhattan owned
Iran's Central Bank - Bank Markazi. The international bankers
were the main beneficiaries of this new oil for arms quid pro
quo. In Iran the Shah was given carte blanche on US arms purchases.
Iran came to account for 25% of US military sales.
The State Department once called the Middle East, "a stupendous
source of strategic power and one of the greatest material prizes
in world history, the richest prize in the world in the field
of foreign investment."
Oil revenues financed the Shah's military procurement program.
He agreed to recycle surplus petrodollars into US banks, mainly
Chase Manhattan, which his good friend David Rockefeller chaired.
Iran's Central Bank, the Bank Markazi, acted as wholly-owned subsidiary
of Chase Manhattan. Oil revenue also went to banks like BCCI where
it funded CIA covert operations
The Shah served as cop on the beat for the US in the Persian Gulf,
while Israel filled that role in the Mediterranean. President
Truman called Israel, "a stationary aircraft carrier to protect
US interests in the Mediterranean and the Middle East".
U.S. President Harry Truman
Israel is a stationary aircraft carrier
to protect US interests in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
On September 8th, 1978, 3,000 protesters were massacred when Iranian
troops under orders from General Azhari opened fire in the streets
of Tehran in a macabre scene that became known as Black Friday.
Two days later US President Jimmy Carter called the Shah to reaffirm
his support.
Within a few years of the Iranian Revolution, the CIA was helping
Ayatollah Khomeini identify nationalist leaders so he could target
leftists who had formed the Committee of 60, which led the Iranian
revolution. In 1983 the CIA and British MI6 supplied a long list
of Tudeh Party members to Khomeini. The Ayatollah unleashed a
reign of terror against the left; assassinating, torturing and
imprisoning over 10,000 Tudeh members and supporters. In 1989
many of those imprisoned were sentenced to death.
SAVAK used heroin money to finance counter-revolution in Iran.
The CIA allowed wealthy Iranians to smuggle their heroin into
the US using diplomatic pouches. Iranian revolutionaries cracked
down on the heroin trade, which had thrived under the Shah.
Zbigniew Bzrezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission (TC)
in 1973 with David Rockefeller... The stated purpose of TC was
to form a triad of global influence consisting of North America,
Western Europe and Japan.
The TC published The Crisis of Democracy
in 1975. One of its authors, Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington,
is a prominent writer for the CFR publication Foreign Affairs.
Huntington, intellectual darling of the global elite, argued that
America needed "a greater degree of moderation in democracy".
The TC paper suggested that leaders with
"expertise, seniority, experience and "special talents"
were needed to "override the claims of democracy". More
recently Huntington has been pushing his "Clash of Civilizations"
thesis, which argues that war between the West and Islamic nations
is inevitable.
Barry Goldwater, in his book "With No Apologies"
David Rockefeller's newest international
cabal (the Trilateral Commission) ...is intended to be the vehicle
for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking
interests by seizing control of the political government of the
United States.
President Carter in his 1980 State of the Union speech
An attempt by any outside force to gain
control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault
on the vital interests of the United States, and such an attempt
will be repelled by any means
necessary, including military force.
Air America re-supplied the CIA-created Meo [Hmong] Army in Laos,
which fought a proxy war for the US against the communist Pathet
Lao, who had overrun the Plain of Jars region in 1964. Air America
ferried weapons into remote Meo villages, then returned to its
base at Long Tieng loaded with opium grown by the villagers.
Danish journalist Henrik Kruger penned "The Great Heroin
Coup"... Kruger believes [Richard] Nixon used the Vietnam
War as a means to take control of the global drug trade.
By the end of the Vietnam War 3 million Vietnamese people were
dead. Hundreds of thousands more died in CIA adventures in Laos,
Cambodia, Burma, Thailand and China. Thirty thousand US soldiers
became heroin addicts and 70% of the world's heroin was being
supplied from the Golden Triangle.
In 1975 Cambodia fell to the Khmer Rouge whose leader Pol Pot
launched a genocide that rivaled the earlier purges of Hitler
and Stalin. The Khmer Rouge, with vigorous support from the CIA,
killed 1.5 million Cambodians.
Long before the Vietnam War, the British elite had made a healthy
living smuggling opium from the region [Asia]. Lord Shelbourne
launched the Chinese opium trade in 1783 with Scottish merchants
from the East India Company and members of the House of Windsor-allied
Knights of St. John Jerusalem.
Shelbourne's chief propagandist was Adam
Smith who worked for East India company which emerged from the
slave-trading Levant Company and later became known as Chatham
House, home to the powerful Royal Institute for International
Affairs (RIIA). East India worked with members of two secret societies
- the Muslim Assassins and the Christian Knights Templar - in
organizing the global drug trade. In 1776 Adam Smith wrote Wealth
of Nations, which became the bible of international capitalism.
In the Far East the British organized
the Triad Society, also known as the Society of Heaven and Earth,
to smuggle their opium. Beginning in 1788 the Freemason Grand
Lodge of England established lodges in China, one of which was
the Triad Society. Another was known as the Order of the Swastika.
The Triads were so named due to the significance
of the pyramid to the global elite. The apex of a pyramid represents
a king's power to the ancient Freemasons, who promote monarchy
as a form of government. The base of a pyramid represents the
masses of workers who are the king's subjects. Superimposed with
an inverted pyramid representing godly powers, the two pyramids
form the Star of David, an ancient symbol used by the Freemason
predecessor Knights Templar and now associated with the occult,
Zionism and the state of Israel.
In 1839 William Jardine, a Canton-based
opium trafficker steered Britain into the first Opium War after
Chinese officials confiscated his stash. The second Opium War
lasted from 1858-1860. Lord Palmerston commanded both expeditions
for the Brits. He was also the High Priest of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
in the British Empire.
Throughout the 19th century the British
families of Matheson, Keswick, Swire, Dent, Inchcape, Baring and
Rothschild controlled the Chinese heroin traffic. The Inchcape's
and Baring's Peninsular & Orient Steam Navigation Company
(PONC) transported the dope around the world. When a British subject
named Mohandas Ghandi spoke out against the opium trade in 1921,
he was jailed by India's British rulers for "undermining
the revenue".
To the US West Coast, the families brought
Chinese coolies to build JP Morgan's railroads, slave laborers
who were kidnapped (shanghaied) by the Triads. The Triads came
along too, setting up opium dens in San Francisco and Vancouver
and using a network of Chinatowns as a channel for heroin. This
network exists today. To the US East Coast the families brought
African slaves and cotton. These same families built plantations
and became kings of southern cotton on the backs of shanghaied
The Sutherland family, first cousins to
the Mathesons, was the most powerful of these cotton families.
The Barings owned the clipper ships, which brought cotton to the
Old World, while shipping opium and slaves back to the New World.
The Rothschild and Lehman families both entered the US via the
pre-Civil War cotton trade. The Lehman's made their fortune smuggling
cotton to the Union and guns to the Confederacy. The southern
cotton barons were the channel through which the British fomented
the US Civil War.
The American families Perkins, Astor and
Forbes made millions off the opium trade. The Perkins' founded
Bank of Boston, which is today known as Credit Suisse First Boston.
The Perkins and Morgan families endowed Harvard University. William
Hathaway Forbes was a director at Hong Kong Shanghai Bank shortly
after it was founded in 1866. John Murray Forbes was the US agent
for the Barings banking family, which financed most of the early
drug trade. The Forbes family heirs later launched Forbes magazine.
Steve Forbes ran for President in 1996. John Jacob Astor invested
his opium proceeds in Manhattan real estate and worked for British
intelligence. The Astor family home in London sits opposite Chatham
Cantonese heroin trafficker William Jardine combined forces with
fellow Anglo-Scots the Keswicks and William Sutherland Matheson,
to form Jardine Matheson. The families launched the Hong Kong
Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) after the second Opium War as
a repository for their opium proceeds. HSBC, a subsidiary of the
London-based HSBC Holdings, today prints 75% of Hong Kong's currency,
while the British Cecil Rhodes-founded Standard Chartered Bank
prints the rest.
Freemasonry is a highly secretive society, making it an ideal
vehicle for global drugs and arms trafficking.
P-2 is an Italian fascist Freemasonary movement.
Wahhabism [a radical form of Islam] is only practiced in Saudi
Arabia and by the Afghan Taliban.
With 261 billion barrels of crude oil lying beneath its soil,
Saudi Arabia remains the lynchpin in the international oil grab
presided over by the Four Horsemen [Shell, Chevron. British Petroleum,
... ARAMCO [Arabian American Oil Company]
now controls over one-quarter of the world's crude oil reserves.
... As of 1990 ARAMCO produced over 8
million barrels of crude oil a day, ensuring the Saudi role as
"swing producer". During the 1991 Gulf War ARAMCO underwent
another expansion and now cranks out an unprecedented 10 million
barrels a day.
ARAMCO's primary construction contractor is Bechtel, a San Francisco-based
private company that is the largest engineering firm in the world.
... In oil-rich Venezuela [Bechtel] constructed
the Mena Grande pipeline. In Saudi Arabia it built ARAMCO's "industrial
city" at Jubail, the world's largest industrial project ever.
Bechtel built Japan's Tokyo Narita Airport
and the convention center for the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics.
It built Egypt's Aswan Dam, the Euro-Disney Theme Park and San
Francisco's Golden Gate bridge. Most every dam in the US was built
by Bechtel, including the massive Hoover Dam. It built the nation's
first nuclear power plant for ARCO in Idaho in 1951 and builds
most every nuclear and electrical power plant of any size in the
world. It also builds military installations and seaports. Pick
your modern engineering marvel and there is a good chance it was
built by Bechtel.
... Rural Bolivian farmers saw their private
water wells seized by the state and were forced to hook up to
the Bechtel grid. Fees shot up 300% for city dwellers who were
suddenly spending 25% of their monthly income on water. Bolivian
peasants responded with four months of blockades and protests...
The Bolivian government was finally forced to cancel the Bechtel
contract. In 2002 at a secret world Bank court, Bechtel sued the
provincial government in Bolivia for $25 million claiming a loss
of profits for the next 40 years.
Admiral Chester Ward a longtime CFR [Council on Foreign Relations]
member, let slip that the goal of the group is, "to bring
about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence
of the United States ... Primarily, they [CFR] want a world banking
monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global
The CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] is the principal constituency
of the CIA, since the elite who run the CFR are the ones who own
the overseas assets which the CIA and the US military work to
It is through the CFR that the international
bankers and the global intelligence community mingle. The bankers
and the spooks share a common goal of keeping the world safe for
global monopoly capitalism and often intelligence operatives are
recruited from the banking houses where their loyalties to the
banking elite have been thoroughly tested.
The very best CIA, Mossad and M16 agents are recruited to become
better paid private spooks for multinational corporate and banking
publisher John F. McManus
Bill Clinton knows well that he serves
as President because the members of the 'secret society' to which
he belongs [Council on Foreign Relations] chose him and expect
him to carry out its plans.
By 1974 one-third of the $60 billion pool of OPEC windfall petrodollars
flowed into the largest US banks.
Out of $14.5 billion in Middle East oil revenues that made it
to US shores, 78% was deposited into six mega-banks: Chase Manhattan,
Morgan Guaranty Trust, Citibank, Bank of America, Manufacturers
Hanover Trust and Chemical Bank. After a spate of mergers those
six banks are now three: JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Bank of
[In 1973] future Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volker led US bank
and oil company power brokers to a Lagos, Nigeria meeting where
they convinced both the Nigerian and Kuwaiti governments to accept
only US dollars when they sold their premium grades of oil on
world markets.
... By setting a standard where oil could
be bought only in dollars, the US bankers were effectively trying
to prop up the greenback... The establishment of spot futures
markets allowed the oil trading arms of powerful US investment
banks like Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs to more easily control
the price of a barrel of oil on world markets. With the oil markets
now dollarized, the bankers could, by controlling oil prices,
also control the value of the US dollar.
The launching of a Eurodollar market created
a vehicle for recycling the huge slush fund of petrodollars in
an unregulated and highly secretive environment. Most all the
major offshore banking centers where the Eurodollar shuffle takes
place (Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Bahamas, Isle of Jersey, Isle
of Man, etc.) are British Crown-controlled. It is through these
offshore money centers that Big Oil money flowing through mega-bank
subsidiary accounts finances CIA/Mossad/MI6 covert operations
and the global drug trade.
Between 1972 and 1978 OPEC earnings rocketed from $23 billion
to $140 billion... Most of the windfall from higher oil prices
found its way back into the pockets of Western bankers, since
many of OPEC's ruling elite, fearful of local IMF-induced currency
devaluations, stashed their dollars in foreign banks, causing
chronic capital flight problems for their home countries. Other
windfall petrodollars went spent buying weapons from US defense
contractors like Lockheed, Boeing and Northrup. Still more greenbacks
funded CIA covert operations through spook banks like BCCI and
Nugan Hand.
In 1981 the US and Saudi governments spearheaded an effort to
create the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), consisting of Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and UAE. All except Oman
are members of OPEC.
The elite families of the six GCC nations [Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and UAE] are
heavily invested in Western economies. High volume crude oil production
keeps this investment capital flowing to Wail Street while allowing
the GCC elites to live opulent lifestyles, In this way the volume
of oil production is much more important than the price received
for the oil for Western bankers and the GCC monarchs alike.
As Western dependence on Third World resources has increased,
it has become increasingly necessary for the international bankers
and their corporations to include local elite cliques in their
capital accumulation schemes, making a small group of local people
extremely wealthy so that this group will cooperate in selling
local resources cheaply to the West.
The richest man in the world is Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan
of Brunei, a tiny oil enclave on the island of Borneo, where Royal
Dutch/Shell holds a virtual monopoly over the oil industry and
has paid the Sultan well to keep it that way. The Sultan of Brunei
is reported to be worth over $60 billion and lives in a l,778-room
The Saudis alone now have over $600 billion invested abroad. Citigroup
owns 33% of the Saudi American Bank but is itself now controlled
members of the House of Saud. In 1993 Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin
Talal, owner of Saudi Commercial Bank, plunged $590 million into
Citibank. bin Talal now owns 17.34% of Citigroup, while Crown
Prince Abdullah owns a 5.4% share, making them the bank's two
largest shareholders.
The Saudi Citigroup share purchases were
facilitated by the Washington-based Carlyle Group' which is 20%-owned
by the Mellon family that owned Gulf Oil and now owns a large
chunk of Chevron Texaco. Carlyle is led by former Reagan and Bush
Defense Secretary and Reagan NSC Chairman Frank Carlucci. George
Bush Sr., James Baker III and former British Prime Minister John
Major are senior advisers and board members at Carlyle.
The Saudis and Kuwaitis are the clear leaders in GCC overseas
investments. The Kuwaiti Investment Authority has over $250 billion
invested abroad and is the biggest foreign investor in Japan and
Spain. Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase handle Kuwaiti investments
in the US, where the al-Sabah clan owns stock in each of the 70
largest firms listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain,
Oman and UAE] investments in Western banks and corporations total
over $I trillion. The bulk of this is invested in long-term US
and Japanese government bonds. The GCC sheiks are crucial to floating
the entire house of cards that is the global economy. Their guaranteed
purchases of US debt, which has largely been accrued through defense
spending in the Persian Gulf region, keep the US dollar strong
and prevent the international financial architecture from crumbling.
The emirs and their elite friends also bankroll CIA covert operations,
while re-balancing their trade surpluses with the West through
the purchase of US weaponry to protect their oil fiefdoms.
It is the House of Saud which most frequently serves as conduit,
financier and "deniability factor" for US cloak and
dagger military adventures [around the world]..
The Crusader Templars created the Prieure de Sion on Mt. Zion
near Jerusalem in the 11th century to guard such relics as the
Shroud of Turin, the Ark of the Covenant and the Hapsburg family's
Spear of Destiny, which was used to kill Jesus Christ as he hung
on the cross.
The Priory of Sion's more important purpose
was to safeguard the gold which the Templars had looted from beneath
Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem and to preserve the Holy Grail bloodline,
or Sangreal, of Jesus Christ which they believe is carried forth
by the French Bourbon royalty, the Merovingan family.
... By the 13th century the [Crusader
Knights] Templars used their looted gold to buy 9,000 castles
throughout Europe and ran an empire stretching from Copenhagen
to Damascus. They founded modern banking techniques and legitimized
usury, also known as interest payments. Templars' bank branches
popped up everywhere, backed by their new-found gold wealth.
The Protocols of the [Vise Men of Zion ... were a manifesto written
by a secret society that claimed itself superior to the rest of
mankind ... they were intent on a political movement called Zionism
which seeks to use Israel as its lynchpin for global hegemony
and as guardian of the vast oil reserves of the Middle East region.
... Protocol 4: "In order to give
the goyim no time to think and take note, their minds must be
diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all nations will be
swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and...will not take note of
their common foe. But, again, in order that freedom may once and
for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of goyim, we must
put industry on a speculative basis, the result of which will
be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip
through their hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our
Protocol 10: "It is from us that
all-engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons
of all opinions: monarchists, demagogues, socialists., trying
to overthrow all established authority. By these acts all states
are in torture; they exhort tranquility, are ready to sacrifice
anything for peace. But we don't give them peace until they openly
acknowledge our international super-government, and with submissiveness...to
utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy
and even by use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases,
by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge
in our complete sovereignty in money."
Protocol 13: "And how far-seeing
were our learned elders when they said that to attain a serious
goal behooves not to stop at any means or to count the victims
sacrificed ...We have not counted the victims of the goyim cattle.
In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are
about we must further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes,
_passions, people's palaces...these interests will finally distract
them from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled
to oppose them. Growing more and more disaccustomed to reflect
and form opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the
same tone as we, because we alone shall be offering them new directions
of thought."
Protocol 15: "We shall create and
multiply Freemasonic Lodges in all countries of the world, absorb
into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity,
for in these Lodges we shall find our principle intelligence office
and means of influence. Among the members of these Lodges will
be almost all the agents of international and national police
since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that
the police are in a position not only to use its own particular
measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities
and provide pretexts and disguises. All these Lodges we shall
bring under one central administration, known only to us and to
all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned
elders (Illuminat)...The most secret political plots will be known
to us and will all under our guiding hands on the very day of
their conception."
Protocol 16: "...we shall emasculate
the first stage of collectivism - the universities ...any form
of study of ancient history ...we shall replace with the study
of the program of the future. We shall erase from the memory of
men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable for
us. Each.. life must be trained within strict limits corresponding
to its destination and work in life. The system of bridling thought
is already at work in the so-called system of teaching by object
lessons (objectivity). In our program one-third of our subjects
will keep the rest under observation ...It will be no disgrace
to be a
Another section of the Protocols... states,
'We are the chosen, we are the only true men. Our minds give off
the true power of the spirit; the intelligence of the rest of
the world is merely instinctive and animal. They can see, but
they cannot foresee ...Does it not follow that nature herself
has predestined us to dominate the world. Outwardly we... (will)
do our best to appear honorable and cooperative. A statesman's
words do not have to agree with his acts. If we pursue these principles,
the governments and peoples which we have thus prepared will take
our IOU's for cash ...the substitution of interest-bearing money
...Economic crises have been produced by us ...by no other means
than the withdrawal of money from circulation... One day they
will accept us as benefactors and saviors of the human race. If
any state dared to resist us, if its neighbors make common cause
with it against us, we will unleash global war."
... Its concluding statement reads, "Signed
by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd Degree."
In the Middle East region ... Israel was inserted by the Rothschild
clan after WWII under the guise of guardian of the secrets of
man's origins" and "a Jewish homeland". The actual
role of Israel is as guardian of the energy force [oil], which
the nondenominational Illuminati bloodline elite control and which
they have carefully woven into the fabric of modern life in their
quest for control of the global economy.
Since 1973 65% of US arms sales have gone to the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia now boasts the highest per capita defense spending
in the world. In 1984 alone the Saudis spent $22.7 billion on
US weaponry. The GCC also "rents" military troops from
the best US-trained armies in the region, using aid as payment.
The Saudis have elaborate military assistance arrangements with
Pakistan, whereby the Saudis send Karachi aid in return for the
services of Pakistani military units. Kuwait has long received
military forces from both Pakistan and Egypt in exchange for billions
of dollars in aid. Pakistan's best pilots are sent to the UAE
to fly the emir's F-16 fighters. Similar arrangements exist between
the GCC and Turkey.
US-trained militaries in Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey are renowned
as the best Muslim forces in the world. When combined with Israel,
the three countries account for one-half of US military aid.
The US is defending GCC oil with third country armies which it
has trained and over which it holds the purse strings, thus curtailing
the power of any potential rogue GCC sheik who may decide to go
it alone. The arrangement dilutes the political power of the Gulf
States' people, whose countries are occupied by foreign troops,
ready to dispassionately put down any revolt that might threaten
either the emirs or the oilfields.
Technological dependencies insure a perpetuation of the oil for
arms quid pro quo which the Four Horsemen, the US defense establishment
and the international bankers wish to impose upon the GCC.
The US Army Corps had made a conscious effort to overbuild the
Saudi military infrastructure so that it might later be utilized
by the US during a Middle East regional war.
BCCI [Bank of Credit and Commerce International] would become
the mixing bowl into which Persian Gulf petrodollars were stirred
with generous helpings of drug money to finance worldwide covert
operations for the CIA and its Israeli Mossad and British MI6
BCCI was the bank of choice for the world's
most notorious dictators, including the Somoza family, Saddam
Hussein, Philippine strongman Ferdinand Marcos and Haiti's Jean-Claude
"Papa Doc" Duvalier. The South African apartheid regime
used BCCI, as did Manuel Noriega.
... With branches in 76 countries, BCCI
dealt in conventional and nuclear weapons, gold, drugs, mercenary
armies, intelligence and counterintelligence... The bank had close
relations with the CIA, Pakistan's ISI intelligence service, the
Israeli Mossad and Saudi intelligence agencies... BCCI's main
stockholders were monarchs and wealthy oil sheiks from the GCC
[Gulf Cooperation Council] nations.
... BCCI was founded 1972 in Pakistan
by Agha Hasan Abedi, a close friend of Pakistani military dictator
Zia ul-Huq... BCCI took its wings when Bank of America put up
$2.5 million for a 30% stake in BCCI. At that time Bank of America
was the largest bank in the world, controlled by N.M. Rothschild
& Sons.
Bank of America [in the 1970s] was the largest bank in the world,
controlled by N.M. Rothschild & Sons.
BCCI's major investors were GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] oil
sheiks. The head of the ruling family of Abu Dhabi Sheik Zayed
bin Sultan al-Nahiyan was BCCI's biggest shareholder, controlling
77% of BCCI's stock. Sheik Khalid bin Mahfouz, the Saudi Arabian
billionaire who controls that country's National Commercial Bank,
the biggest bank in the Arab world, owned 20%. The al-Khalifa
monarchs of Bahrain and the al-Qaboo monarchs of Oman owned large
shares in BCCI, while BCCI owned the National Bank of Oman.
[In the 1980s] Dubai, one of the emirates comprising the United
Arab Emirates (UAE), became a duty-free port and drug money laundry,
serving much the same role as Hong Kong had during the Vietnam
War. Where Hong Kong had financed CIA opium for arms swaps in
the Golden Triangle, Dubai served the CIA smack-for-weapons trade
in the Golden Crescent, an area which comprises parts of Iran,
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Gold dominates is the currency of drug and weapons traffickers
and Dubai is a favorite hub in the global bullion trade. The British
Bank of the Middle East dominates the Dubai gold trade. It is
100% owned by Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC), which monopolizes
the Hong Kong gold trade along with Kleinwort Benson, which has
close relations with Rio Tinto, a company founded on Matheson
family opium proceeds. Matheson's heirs are the Keswick and Swire
families which dominate the board of directors at HSBC, Jardine
Matheson, P&O and Cathay Pacific Airlines.
Diamonds are important in the laundering of drug money since they
are small and easy to transport, yet hold great value. Sir Harry
Oppenheimer's , De Beers controls 85% of the global wholesale
diamond market. De Beers is a subsidiary of Anglo-American.
Diamond cutting was until recently done in only two places in
the world - Antwerp, Belgium and Ashqelon, Israel... In Israel
the cutting was financed by Bank Leumi, Israel's biggest finance
house which is controlled by the British Barclays Bank.
The world's three biggest mining companies: BHP Billiton, Rio
Tinto and Anglo American are all controlled by Oppenheimer/Rothschilds.
According to former British Intelligence officer John Coleman,
author of "The Committee of 300", Cecil Rhodes was principal
agent for the Rothschilds.
In 1888 Cecil Rhodes wrote his third will and left everything
to Lord Rothschild. Rhodes, Milner and Rothschild founded the
Business Roundtable in London in early 1900 which charted a course
for expansion of the British Empire and for Crown control over
the global economy.
The IMF serves as gatekeeper for the World Bank and the giant
international money center banks which fall under its umbrella.
The IMF serves as judge and jury in ordering Third World countries
to privatize their economics. and in imposing harsh austerity
measures which hit the poorest people the hardest... If the country
in question follows IMF mandates it continues to receive loans
from the World Bank. If it does not, the country is cut off, its
currency devalued and its economy ravaged by hyperinflation.
In 1975 Anthony Sampson penned The Seven Sisters..., bestowing
a collective name on the shadowy oil cartel, which throughout
its history has sought to eliminate competitors and control the
world's oil resource. After a tidal wave of mergers at the turn
of the millennium, Sampson's Seven Sisters were Four Horsemen:
Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco and Royal Dutch/Shell.
The Swedish Nobel and French Rothschild families discovered oil
in Russia through their Far East Trading Company, which later
combined with Oppenheimer family interests to become Shell Oil.
The Dutch House of Orange joined forces with the British House
of Windsor in the Dutch East Indies to launch Royal Dutch Petroleum.
There are thirty-three degrees in Freemasonry... Once a person
reaches the 33rd Degree, which very few do, the person is considered
illuminated and hence becomes a member of the Illuminati.
According to many researchers of the Illuminati,
their goal is to restore monarchies around the world, culminating
in the crowning of a Merovingan bloodline World King who will
rule over a New World Order dominated by a handful of royal and
banking families, enforcing government by decree and employing
a single world electronic currency implanted in every human being.
Every US President since FDR has been a 33rd Degree Illuminated
Mason, except Ronald Reagan, who was given the honorary title,
and John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated.
The Italian mafia was founded by Guiseppe Mazzini, the 33rd Degree
Illuminati Grand Master Mason of the P-2 Lodge. P-2 is close to
the Vatican Bank and funded South America's fascist drug-ridden
governments of the 1970's.
Many of America's founding fathers were Freemasons including Alexander
Hamilton, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. Washington
apparently began to see the dark side of the group. He wrote in
1782, "It was not my intention to doubt that the Illuminati...had
not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more
fully satisfied of this fact than am I". Both Thomas Jefferson
and John Quincy Adams wrote essays warning of the Freemasons,
who they knew wanted to return America to British Crown control.
The Dutch and British monarchs who control Royal Dutch merged
their company with the Oppenheimer and Samuel's Shell Oil and
Nobel and Rothschild's Far East Trading. Royal Dutch/Shell was
born. Queen Juliana of the Dutch House of Orange and Lord Victor
Rothschild are the two largest shareholders of Royal Dutch/Shell.
... By 1920 Exxon, BP and Royal Dutch/Shell
dominated the world's booming oil business, with the Rockefeller
and Rothschild families and the British and Dutch royals owning
most of stock in the Horsemen. Two other Rockefeller babies Mobil
and Chevron, weren't far behind the Big Three.
The IMF serves as enforcer and collection agency for the international
bankers by pressuring Third World debtor nations to open their
economies to multinational corporations owned by their banks.
The GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] shoreline on the southwest
side of the Persian Gulf contains
42% of the world's oil.
The Four Horsemen [British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, ChevronTexaco,
ExxonMobil] are the top four retailers of gas in the US and own
every major pipeline in the world and the vast majority of oil
During the 1970s Big Oil invested S2.4 billion in uranium exploration.
Today they control over half the world's uranium reserves, key
to fueling nuclear power plants... Exxon Mobil is the leading
coal producer in the US and has the second largest coal reserves.
80% of US oil reserves are still controlled by the nine biggest
oil companies.
The world's largest mining company is BHP Billiton.
The Four Horsemen [of oil] have interlocking directorates with
the international mega-banks. Exxon Mobil shares board members
with JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of
Canada and Prudential. Chevron Texaco has interlocks with Bank
of America and JP Morgan Chase. BP Amoco shares directors with
JP Morgan Chase. RD/Shell has ties with Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase,
N. M. Rothschild & Sons and Bank of England.
The Rothschild, Rockefeller and Warburg banking combines control
Big Oil.
... Royal Dutch/Shell is controlled by
the Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Nobel and Samuel families along with
the British House of Windsor and the Dutch House of Orange.
Queen Juliana of the Dutch House of Orange and Lord Victor Rothschild
are the two largest shareholders of Royal Dutch /Shell. Queen
Juliana is the richest woman in the world... Prince Bernhard,
who married Juliana in 1937, was a member of the Hitler Youth
Movement, the Nazi SS and an employee of Nazi combine G. Farben.
He sits on the boards of over 300 European companies.
The Bilderbergers are a powerful group of European royalty, international
bankers and industrialists... Dutch Prince Bernhard founded the
Bilderbergers with encouragement from the Rothschilds.
A unified Europe is a major step down the road to Illuminati global
dictatorship. The Bilderbergers were the key force it making sure
unification occurred.
Prince Bernhard articulated the Bilderberger agenda
It is difficult to reeducate the people
who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing
part of their sovereignty to a supranational body.
Through a combination of joint ventures, tightly-held technological
secrets, vertical and horizontal integration, manipulation of
production sites, cheap labor, interlocking bank directorates
and outright collusion; the Four Horsemen [of oil] ... are now
even more firmly in control of an increasingly oil-dependent world
economy than they were 100 years ago. And the same old money families
are still riding high in the saddle.
The Baker family is Houston's most powerful political gang. For
four generations they have worked closely with Rockefeller family
oil interests.
The Bakers heavily endow Rice University
and control the key law firm employed by the Four Horsemen [Big
Oil]. Baker Botts has offices in Riyadh and carries a huge amount
of sway over US policy towards Saudi Arabia.
In a 1973 interview published in the Atlantic Monthly, Kennedy
Vice President and successor Lyndon Johnson, himself a Texas oilman,
hinted at a conspiracy on that gloomy day in Dallas and talked
of a "Murder Incorporated" being run by the CIA out
of the Caribbean. Johnson was referring to Permindex (Permanent
Industrial Exhibitions), an assassination bureau run by the Special
Operations Executive (SOE) of Britain's MI6.
According to a book published by Executive
Intelligence Review called Dope Inc., Permindex was funded by
the Canadian Bronfman family and the wealthy Polish Solidarist
Radziwill family. Permindex leader, MI6 SOE Colonel Sir William
"Intrepid" Stephenson, had earlier deployed the Meyer
Lansky syndicate and helped rehabilitate Lucky Luciano. SOE Colonel
Louis Mortimer Bloomfield was an OSS veteran and Bronfman liaison
who chaired Permindex since its 1958 founding in Montreal and
Geneva. SOE and Permindex insider General Julius Klein ran guns
to the murderous Haganah when the Zionists seized Israel from
the Palestinians. He now "handles" Buffalo mob boss
Max Fischer and Carl Lindner at United Brands.
... According to many researchers, the
seven-shooter hit team consisted of an elite group put together
by J. Edgar Hoover and Sir William Stephenson in 1943. The team
was formed through the American Council of Christian Churches
(ACCC), which Bloomfield, Stephenson and Hoover had founded as
a cover for US and British intelligence via ACCC Latin American
... ACCC is a network of aristocratic
far-right religions. Its west coast director E. E. Bradley was
indicted by New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison for his role in
the JFK hit. David Ferrie worked under ACCC cover. An ACCC orphan
school near Puebla, Mexico was used to train 25-30 of the world's
premier marksmen. ACCC Minister Albert Osborne ran the school
after he fled the US due to his support of Hitler during WWII.
These "students" carried out the Kennedy assassination.
Assassins from this same team may have deployed to kill both Bobby
Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
John Kennedy's fate was sealed in June 1963 when he authorized
the issuance of more than $4 billion in United States Notes by
his Treasury Department in an attempt to circumvent the high interest
rate usury of the private Federal Reserve international banker
crowd. President Lincoln had made a similar move 100 years earlier
and suffered the same consequences.
the wife of accused John Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald told
author A. J. Weberman in 1994
The answer to the Kennedy assassination
is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Don't underestimate that. It's
wrong to blame it on Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is
only one finger on the same hand. The people who supply the money
are above the CIA.
Warren Commission Chairman Earl Warren, John McCloy, Allen Dulles,
J. Edgar Hoover and Gerald Ford were all 33rd Degree Illuminized
In 1957 President Dwight Eisenhower commissioned a panel of scientists
to study the issue of overpopulation. The scientists put forth
Alternatives I, II and III, advocating both the release of deadly
viruses and perpetual warfare as means to decrease world population.
According to Nexus magazine, the Rockefellers own one-half of
the US pharmaceutical industry.
In 1969 the Senate Church Committee discovered that the US Defense
Department (DOD) had requested a budget of tens of millions of
taxpayer dollars for a program to speed development of new viruses
which target and destroy the human immune system.
... Out of this research came the AIDS
virus which was targeted at "undesirable elements" of
the population. The first AIDS viruses were administered through
a massive smallpox vaccine campaign in central and southern Africa
by the World Health Organization in 1977. A year later ads appeared
in major US newspapers soliciting "promiscuous gay male volunteers"
to take part in a Hepatitis B vaccine study.
The program targeted male homosexuals
age 20-40 in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis and
San Francisco. It was administered by the US Centers for Disease
Control which, under its earlier incarnation as the US Public
Health Department in Atlanta, oversaw the Tuskegee syphilis experiments
on African American males.
... The intellectual force behind the
introduction of AIDS was the Bilderbeger Group ... the Policy
Committee of the Bilderbergers gave orders to DOD to introduce
the AIDS virus. The Bilderbergers are close to the Club of Rome,
which ... is backed by the same European Black Nobility who frequent
Bilderberger meetings. A 1968 study by the Club of Rome advocated
lowering the birth rate and increasing the death rate. Club founder
Dr. Aurello Peccei made a top-secret recommendation to introduce
a microbe that would attack the auto-immune system, then develop
a vaccine as a prophylactic for the global elite.
In 1975, a year after attending a Club of Rome conference on the
topic, Secretary of State Kissinger founded the Office of Population
Affairs (OPA).
Latin American OPA case officer Thomas
Ferguson spilled the beans on OPA's agenda when he stated, "There
is a single theme behind all our work; we must reduce population
levels. Either they do it our way, through nice clean methods
or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador,
or in Iran, or in Beirut Once population is out of control it
requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it...
The professionals aren't interested in reducing population for
humanitarian reasons... Civil wars are somewhat drawn-out ways
to reduce population. The quickest way to reduce population is
through famine like in Africa. We go into a country and say, here
is your goddamn development plan. Throw it out the window. Start
looking at your population ...if you don't ...then you'll
have an El Salvador or an Iran, or worse, a Cambodia".
Ferguson said of El Salvador, "To
accomplish what the State Department deems adequate population
control, the civil war (run by CIA) would have to be greatly expanded.
You have to pull all the males into fighting and kill significant
numbers of fertile, child-bearing age females. You are killing
a small number of males and not enough fertile females to do the
job ...If the war went on 30-40 years, you might accomplish something.
FDR's son-in-law Curtis Dall
For a long time I felt that he [FDR]...
developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit
this country. But he didn't. Most of his thoughts were carefully
manufactured for him by the Council on Foreign Relations - One
World Money group.
Professor Stuart Crane
If you look back at every war in Europe
...you will see that they always ended up with the establishment
of a balance of power. With every reshuffling there was a balance
of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England,
France or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any King got
out of line, a war would break out and the war would be decided
by which way the financing went. Researching the debt positions
of warring nations will usually indicate who was being punished.
Israel serves as a forward base for the Rothschild/Rockefeller
oil combine and their European fondi banking pals. Ashqelon, Israel
is key to the DeBeers diamond trade which is financed by Union
Bank, a subsidiary of Bank Leumi, Israel's largest commercial
Bank Leumi is controlled by the British
Barclays, one of the four British banks that preside over Caribbean
Silver Triangle drug money laundering. Bank Leumi chairman Ernst
Israel Japhet's family controls Charterhouse Japhet, of which
Barclays also holds a large stake. Charterhouse monopolizes the
Israel/Hong Kong diamond trade.
Israel's second largest bank is Bank Hapoalim, whose founder and
owner is British Viscount Erwin Herbert Samuel, another Royal
Dutch/Shell insider. Samuel heads the Israeli Red Cross, an arm
of British intelligence, and is a Knight of St. John Jerusalem.
Bank Hapoalim was also affiliated with BCCI. A third Israeli banking
behemoth is Israel Discount Bank, which is 100 %-owned by Barclays,
controls the brunt of Israel's financing and funds the British
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Sir Harry Oppenheimer, chairman
of DeBeers' parent Anglo-America, sits on the Barclay's board,
which contains five members of Queen Elizabeth's Knights of St.
John Jerusalem, the most of any firm in the world.
Paz Oil holds a monopoly over Israel's
oil, petrochemical and shipping sectors. Paz is controlled by
the Rothschild family, which was instrumental in founding Israel.
According to Tony Murphy, a researcher at the International War
Crimes Tribunal, the US attack on Iraq killed 125,000 civilians,
while destroying 676 schools, 38 hospitals, 8 major hydroelectric
dams, 11 power plants, 119 power substations and half the country's
telephone lines. The attacks occurred mostly at night when people
were most vulnerable.
In the months following the war the death
rate of Iraqi children under five tripled. Thirty-eight percent
of these deaths were caused by diarrhea.
Victor Filatov, a Russian journalist reporting for Sovetskaja
Rossya from post-war Baghdad
What further bloodshed do these barbarians
of the 20th century need? I thought the Americans had changed
since Vietnam... but no, they never change. They remain true to
The US dropped 88,000 tons of bombs on Iraq during the Gulf War
and has rained down countless more bombs since. Many bombs were
tipped with armor piercing depleted uranium (DU) warheads, which
may account for chronic Iraqi health problems... Three hundred
tons of DU ammunition was deployed during the war.
Many believe DU [depleted uranium] is responsible for Gulf War
Syndrome, which has killed and permanently injured many US soldiers
who fought in the Persian Gulf theater. Since 2000, nearly 11,000
US Gulf War veterans have died from Gulf War Syndrome.
According to UNICEF, as of late 2001, 1.5 million Iraqi children
had died as a result of sanctions, while one child in ten died
before their first birthday. Thalassemia, anemia and diarrhea
were the biggest killers and could have been prevented were it
not for a chronic shortage of blood and medicine in Iraq due to
the sanctions.
The Gulf War decimated Iraq's sewer and water treatment systems.
Iraqis were forced to drink polluted water, leading to numerous
health problems. Iraq was not allowed to import chlorine to clean
the water since it was deemed it a potential chemical weapon.
Dennis Haliday, former Assistant Secretary
of the UN who initially headed the UN Humanitarian Program to
Iraq, but resigned his post in protest
We are guilty of committing genocide,
through the Security Council against Iraq.
Report from Iron Mountain
In 1961 Kennedy Administration officials
McGeorge Bundy, Robert McNamara and Dean Rusk, all CFR and Bilderberger
members, led a study group which looked into "the problem
of peace". The group met at Iron Mountain, a huge underground
corporate nuclear shelter near Hudson, New York, where CFR think
tank The Hudson Institute is located. The bunker contains redundant
offices in case of nuclear attack for Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell
and JP Morgan Chase. A copy of the group discussions, known as
Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published
in 1967 by Dial Press.
The report's authors saw war as necessary
and desirable stating "War itself is the basic social system,
within which other secondary modes of social / organization conflict
or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force ...the essential
economic stabilizer of modern societies."
... The report goes on to say, "...
the war system cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear until...
we know exactly what we plan to put in its place ...The possibility
of war provides the sense of external necessity without which
no government can long remain in power ...The basic authority
of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers...
(War) has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination
of necessary classes."
historian Howard Zinn
American capitalism needed international
rivalry - and periodic war - to create an artificial community
of interest between rich and poor, supplanting the genuine community
of interest among the poor that showed itself in sporadic movements.
In 1909 the trustees of the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for International
Peace met to discuss pre-WWI American life. They concluded,
There are no known means more efficient
than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire
people... How do we involve the United States in a war?
The Report from Iron Mountain goes on to propose a proper role
for those of the lower classes, crediting military institutions
with providing antisocial elements with an acceptable role in
the social structure. The younger and more dangerous of these
hostile social groupings have been kept under control by the Selective
Service System. A possible surrogate for the control of potential
enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent
with modern technology and political process, of slavery... The
development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute
prerequisite for social control in a world at peace.
from Report from Iron Mountain
A possible surrogate for the control of
potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form
consistent with modern technology and political process, of slavery...
The development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute
prerequisite for social control in a world at peace.
Cargill Continental now controls over 50% of the world's grain
trade. It is one of four giant privately held companies that have
quietly monopolized the world's grain business since the mid 1800s.
Cargill Continental, the French Louis
Dreyfus, the Braziban Bunge and the Swiss Andre constitute the
Four Horsemen of grain.
The Italian P-2 Freemason Lodge had a penchant for working with
South American dictators, fascist death squads and drug traffickers.
P-2's activities affected the European continent as well. P-2
Grand Orient Lodge leader Robert Calvi controlled Banco Ambrosiano...
Calvi was referred to as "God's banker".
... Michelle Sindona was Robert Calvi's
partner at Banco Amrosiano. Sindona funneled CIA cash to the Vatican
and to European Christian Democratic Parties, which the CIA much
preferred to the Socialists... over 850 international banks [moved]
Italian mafia and P-2 heroin proceeds out of Italy.
... In 1969 Sindona was financial adviser
to Pope Paul 'VII and the Vatican Bank became Ambrosiano's biggest
... In 1967 Continental Illinois sent
$4 million through BFP [Banca Privita Finanziara] to finance a
CIA-sponsored right-wing coup in Greece that toppled the Socialists
and gave rise to the November 17 underground left, which has since
killed both US and British military officers and bankers. During
the 1972 elections Continental used BPF to channel $10 million
in CIA funds to the Italian Christian Democrats. In 1973 Continental
CEO David Kennedy joined the board of FASCO, the Liechtenstein
holding company which controlled Banco Ambrosiano. FASCO was a
CIA conduit for funding the Italian P-2 and had close ties with
Gulf & Western Corporation, controlled by United Brands powder
pushers Carl Lindner and Max Fischer.
The Vatican's secretive Opus Dei, often referred to as the "saintly
Mafia" was behind the ascent of Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla
to Pope John Paul II. The new Pope launched an Opus Dei/Vatican
offensive to roll back Latin American liberation theology movements.
Gladio [was] a secret NATO strategy implemented after WWII that
advocated an alliance between the mafia, CIA, Vatican and Knights
of Malta.
The Vatican's Opus Dei had strong ties to P-2 and Patria y Libertad
South American fascist movements. The CIA and P-2 propped up the
narco-terrorist regime of Alberto Fujimori in Peru during the
In 1993 Argentine President Carlos Menem, a close friend of Citigroup
and the Bush family, resigned amidst a major drug scandal. Menem
was just the latest in a series of crooks to run Argentina, long
a favorite drop point for Southeast Asian HSBC-financed heroin
entering Latin America. In 1968 the CIA began training police
and right-wing death squads in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina to
attack leftist revolutionary groups. The region became an Orwellian
nexus of bloody fascist dictators and CIA/P-2 drug running.
In 1968 the CIA began training police and right-wing death squads
in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina to attack leftist revolutionary
groups. The region became an Orwellian nexus of bloody fascist
dictators and CIA/P-2 drug running.
Decades of drug corruption have left the Argentine economy in
shambles. In late 2001 Argentina defaulted on its $132 billion
debt to the international bankers led by Citigroup. Argentine
protestors attacked banks, the Argentine peso was severely devalued
and the IMF issued the typical austerity demands. Five Presidents
later, Argentina has refused to comply with IMF demands and remains
cut off from international lending.
The directorate that presides over the P-2 Freemasons who terrorized
South America and armed Saddam Hussein through BNL [Banca Nationale
de Lavaro] is based in Switzerland at the Alpina Lodge. Members
of the Alpina Lodge Directorate include Stephan Delle Chiaie,
Lucio Geffi, Club of Rome founder and depopulation advocate Aurelio
Peccei and Henry Kissinger. The Alpina Lodge is joined by every
Swiss banker worth his salt. The Alpina power-brokers are often
referred to as the Gnomes of Zurich.
P-1, P-2 and Freemason lodges worldwide, which house the real
mafia, are chartered by ... the Duke of Kent in London, who answers
directly to his cousin Queen Elizabeth II, who presides over the
British House of Windsor.
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) [was] a large group of nations
traditionally led by India who chose not to align themselves with
either the US or the Soviets during the Cold War. The international
bankers despised NAM because its members tended to be left-of-center
nationalists who guarded their resources from Big Oil and other
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) [was] a large group of nations
traditionally led by India who chose not to align themselves with
either the US or the Soviets during the Cold War. The international
bankers despised NAM because its members tended to be left-of-center
nationalists who guarded their resources from Big Oil and other
multinationals. NAM was a thorn in the side of the CFR/Bilderberger
crowd who wished to portray all Third World revolutionary struggles
against their financial hegemony as Soviet-backed Communist threats.
They could then play the "Red Menace" card to justify
their bloody wars of depopulation.
Yugoslavia ... became a respected leader of the G-77 group of
developing nations, which tried to divert OPEC oil revenues away
from international banks and into Third World development.
... What really galled [Western multinational
corporations] was that ... Yugoslavia had created a highly successful
socialist economy no longer dependent on the unjust international
financial system. Other Third World countries took note of the
Yugoslav example.
Yugoslavia's natural resources are vast... significant deposits
of oil [were found] off the coast beneath the Adriatic Sea...
The Yugoslav land mass figures into any overland pipeline route
connecting Caspian Sea oilfields to mainland Europe. It also sits
astride a major highway that connects Europe to Central Asia,
while the strategic Danube River flows through the center of the
nation. In the eyes of ,the international oligarchy, ripe Yugoslavia
now demanded harvest.
The CIA began to sew ethnic division in country [Yugoslavia].
The global powers wanted to smash socialist Yugoslavia into tiny
fiefdoms modeled after their GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] puppet
emirates. The US organized the Balkan Stability Pact, which called
for a regional free market while CIA-backed Croat and Muslim separatists
called for armed revolt.
No war in history has been so driven by a completely unquestioning
corporate media than was the war ... against the people of Yugoslavia.
John Swainton, Chief of Staff of the New York Times from 1860-1870
There is no such thing as a free press.
You know it and I know it. There's not one of you who would dare
to write his honest opinions. The role of journalism is to destroy
truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to fawn at the feet of Mammon...We
are tools and vassals of the men behind the scenes. We are jumping
jacks: they pull the strings, we dance; our talents, our possibilities
and our lives are the property of these men. We are intellectual
The aristocratic families of Yugoslavia, largely Muslims who gained
power during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, banded together
with the largely Croat business class, to form the pro-Hitler
Utashe, which committed horrific acts of genocide against the
working class Serb majority.
The Serbs are largely Eastern Orthodox,
while Yugoslavia's 4.7 million Croatians are mostly Roman Catholic.
The Vatican has been accused by Jewish holocaust victims' groups
as having served as a repository for the gold which the- Utasbe
plundered from Jews and Serbs alike during their terror campaign.
When Hitler invaded Austria, Catholic
bishops told their congregations to support the Nazis. Swastikas
flew over the Vienna Cathedral.
The international banks backed the Nazis. Max and Paul Warburg
sat on I. G. Farben's board, as did H. A. Metz, who was director
at the Warburg Bank of Manhattan- later Chase Manhattan. Bank
of Manhattan director and Federal Reserve Board member C. E. Mitchell
sat on the board of I. G. Farben's US branch. In 1936 Avery Rockefeller
set up a combination with the German Schroeder family, who served
as Hitler's personal bankers. Time magazine called the new Schroeder,
Rockefeller & Company "the economic booster of the Rome-Berlin
Axis". Morgan Guaranty Trust and Union Banking Corporation
(UBC) also funded the Nazis. UBC board ember Prescott Bush is
President George Bush Jr.'s grandfather.
US corporations pitched in for the Nazi's
a well. I.G. Farben joined forces with ITT, along with GM, Exxon,
Ford and GE in sending funds and key military goods to Himmler's
SS. ITT's Sosthenes Behn was a director at National City Bank,
now Citigroup. ITT supplied the Nazis with radar equipment, air
raid warning devices, artillery shell fuses and all the ingredients
that went into the rocket bombs that later reigned down on London.
Nazi armored vehicles were manufactured by Ford and the GM subsidiary
... In 1932 leaders of German industrial
behemoths Krupp, Siemens, Thyssen and Bosch signed a petition
urging Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor
of Germany. A year later at banker Baron Kurt von Schroeder's
home a deal was cut to bring Hitler to power. Attending the meeting
were brothers John Foster and Allen Dulles of the law firm Sullivan
& Cromwell, which represented Schroeder Bank.
... In the spring of 1934 Bank of England
Chairman Montagu Norman convened a meeting of London bankers who
decided to covertly fund Hitler. Royal Dutch/Shell Chairman Sir
Henri Deterding helped in this effort.
... Even after the US went to war with
Germany, Exxon Chairman Walter Teagle remained on the board of
I. G. Chemical, the US I. G. Farben subsidiary. Exxon was integral
in supplying the Nazis with tetraethyl lead, an important component
of aviation fuel. Only Exxon, Du Pont and GM made the stuff. Teagle
also supplied the Japanese with his product.
Exxon and I. G. Farben were such close
business associates that by 1942 Thurman Arnold, head of the US
Justice Department's Anti-Trust Division, produced documents that
showed, "Standard and Farben in Germany had literally carved
up the world markets, with oil and chemical monopolies established
all over the map."
According to a Gallup Poll conducted in the six Muslim countries
of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon and g Indonesia
published on February 27, 2002 in USA Today, 78% of those queried
had a negative view of the US. A whopping 96% of Pakistanis said
the US war against Afghanistan was unjustified and 77% of all
Muslims polled agreed. In Indonesia, an OPEC nation far from the
Persian Gulf, 89% held a dim view of America.
Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari [was] elected in 1988
as candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
... Salinas came to power promising to
raise the standard of living in Mexico and modernize the country.
But he was a tramp for international capital. His name became
synonymous with corruption in the collective mind of Mexico. Salinas
was implicated in the biggest drug trafficking scandal in Mexican
history. He was kicked out of Mexico and fled to the US.
Mexican narco-dictator President Miguel Aleman allowed JFK's Permindex
assassins to be trained in Mexico... Aleman made a living trafficking
in drugs through his TAMSA Group, Mexico's fifth largest conglomerate.
The director of TAMSA is Bruno Pagliai, cousin of Princess Beatrice
of the Italian House of Savoy. Aleman's personal banker was Max
Schein of Banco Mercantil de Mexico, whose correspondent bank
is Israel's Bank Leumi-subsidiary Barclays and financier of the
Asquelon diamond trade. Schein also chairs Sociedad Technion de
Mexico, a branch of the Israel Technician Society (ITS), which
serves as Mossad's overseas scientific espionage arm. British
MI6 operative and Kennedy assassin Colonel Louis Mortimer Bloomfield
is an ITS board member.
Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo ... faced a serious challenge
from Cuahtemec Cardenas of the leftist Democratic Revolutionary
Party (PRD), which had the support of the oil unions and has long
been the party of Mexican workers and peasants. The 1994 Presidential
vote was close, but ... the PRI made sure Zedillo emerged victorious.
According to the Mexican business newspaper El Financiero, the
PRI has two separate vote-count systems on its Unisys mainframe
computer. One system reflects the actual vote count. The other
is automatically stacked in favor of the PRI candidate. In both
1988 and 1994 electoral fraud was rampant.
The PRI launched campaigns of intimidation
during both elections. Cardenas had run against Carlos Salinas
in 1988. During both campaigns his chief aides were gunned down
just prior to the elections.
... PRD President Munoz Ledos' son was
kidnapped prior to the 1994 election and a student leader whose
group supported Cardenas was kidnapped and tortured. PRI candidate
Zedillo narrowly won the 1994 election.
In December 1994 the Mexican stock market
crashed, precipitating the Mexican debt crisis. In 1995, just
as NAFTA kicked in, the Mexican peso was severely devalued making
maquiladora labor even cheaper for multinational corporations.
Mexico's banking system was privatized. State-run industries were
given away to US multinationals in return for debt relief from
international bankers through a flurry of crooked debt-equity
President Jose Lopez Portillo had nationalized
Mexico's banking system in 1982, citing the international bankers'
betrayal of Mexico through encouragement of flight capital from
the Mexican elite. Lopez Portillo stated that the IMF remedy was
to "deprive the patient of food".
The international bankers received a $50
million front-end fee just for sitting down to negotiate with
debt-ridden Mexico. JP Morgan Chase and Citibank handled the debt
negotiations,.. The US Treasury kicked in $50 billion to get the
bankers off the hook, allowing them to pass their Mexican losses
on to US taxpayers, while taking ownership of Mexican companies...
PEMEX was looted and the money stashed away in those same US banks.
... Raul Salinas - brother of President
Carlos Salinas - was laundering drug money through Texas Commerce
Bank, where he had over $20 million on deposit. Texas Commerce
had branches all along the US/Mexico border. Major stockholders
included James Baker and Robert Mosbacher. Jeb Bush worked at
the bank. Board members included Mosbacher and Warren Commission
goon President Gerald Ford.
... According to a November 1, 1996 article
in the Wall Street Journal, Citibank was also laundering some
of Raul's drug proceeds. Vice-President Amy Elliot received over
$80 million in Citibank deposits from Salinas. Elliot worked in
Citibank's private banking department, which specializes in helping
the global elite set up offshore corporations and other instruments
to avoid paying taxes.
... Swiss investigators found that Raul
Salinas had over $100 million in that country's banks which they
believed were drug profits. They found thirteen accounts worth
$123 million in Geneva, Bern, London, New York, Houston and Hamburg.
French authorities questioned Enrique Salinas, brother of Raul
and Carlos, for stashing another $120 million in drug proceeds
in French banks.
... Prior to the Mexican Presidential
Elections of June 2006, PRI Candidate and Mexico City Mayor Andres
Manuel Lopez Obrador led all polls. (But ... after a three day
delay, PRI Candidate Felipe Calderon was declared the winner.
With the passage of NAFTA, Mexico became the main transshipment
point for [Mexican President Carlos] Salinas-greased cocaine entering
the US from Columbia. The first stage of the new Free Trade Agreement
of the America's is being carried out under the name Plan Columbia.
The Plan includes a large energy component, assisting Big Oil
in the development of their extensive oil and petrochemical ventures
in Columbia, where they hold a monopoly over the nation's energy
resources. In the 1980's Shell bought the Columbian operations
of Occidental Petroleum and Tenneco. Exxon Mobil owns large coal
mines in the country. BP Amoco recently discovered huge oilfields
in Columbia.
... The Columbian left began to go underground
after the 1948 assassination of popular leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitan...
The two armies [are] FARC (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia)
and ELN (The National Liberation Army).
... While the US paints the [FARC] guerrillas
as narcotraffickers, the reality is that Columbia's oligarchy
and military are firmly in the driver's seat of the country's
cocaine business. US multinationals, international banks and the
CIA are also involved.
A long succession of Columbian presidents
have been in the pay of the drug cartels.
... In 1998 ... the head of Columbia's
Air Force was forced to resign after an Air Force jet he was flying
on was found carrying 600 kilos of cocaine when it landed at Ft.
... Columbia's military is knee-deep in
the cocaine business, as are the country's paramilitaries, which
wealthy Columbian oligarchs and drug kingpins train to attack
the Columbian left. The right-wing paramilitaries carry out their
state-sanctioned terrorism under the banner of the United Self-Defense
of Columbia. They are, in fact, death squads whose record of slaughtering
innocent civilians, union members and human rights workers is
among the world's worst.
... The goons are trained by British and
Israeli mercenaries and often torture peasants on cartel-owned
... Confessions by former Army Major Oscar
Echandia- Military Mayor of Puerto Boyaca in the early 1980's-
shed light on the cozy relationship between the cocaine cartels,
the Columbian military and Big Oil. Echandia described how paramilitaries
were ordered to kill supporters of the centrist Liberal Party.
He said the alliance between paramilitaries and drug traffickers
was formed in 1983-1984... Echandia said British and Israeli mercenaries
began showing up in Puerto Boyaca in 1989 accompanied by Columbian
F-2 intelligence agents and Army personnel. He said financial
support for training and maintenance of the paramilitaries came
from wealthy ranchers and Big Oil.
From the 1970's until 1986 Haiti was ruled by Papa Doc and son
Baby Doc Duvalier. The dictators were propped up by the US, which
sent them over $400 million.
... Haiti was the centerpiece of the Caribbean
Basin Initiative, launched by David Rockefeller's International
Basic Economy Corporation, which aimed to create a low-wage manufacturing
platform in the Caribbean for US multinationals. Real wages in
Haiti declined 56% from 1983-1991 after the Caribbean Basin Initiative
kicked in... The US textile industry has a huge presence in Haiti.
Nowhere in the world is labor cheaper.
... President Jean Bertrand Aristide,
the Roman Catholic priest who won Haiti's first democratic elections
in 1991, was a leader of the Lavalas Family Movement.
He preached liberation theology ... which
inspired revolution throughout Latin America... Upon taking office
he began arresting (SIN) officials involved in drug trafficking
and raised the Haitian minimum wage from $.22/hour to $.37/hour.
US corporations groused and began a smear campaign against Aristide.
USAID came to their rescue, launching a 326.7 million US-taxpayer-funded
assault on Aristide's minimum wage proposal and other progressive
initiatives he had implemented.
Andre Apaid, a wealthy Haitian businessman,
was hand-picked by USAID to spearhead the anti-Aristide campaign.
... In 1991, just months after Aristide
took office, the groups that USAID funded led a military coup.
... Aristide went into exile in the US.
He eventually cut a deal with the World Bank which would allow
him to return to Haiti. The deal involved ... privatizing 300
state-owned companies, slashing Haiti's tariffs and import duties,
and rewriting Haiti's corporate tax and investment laws. Aristide's
Lavalas Family Movement would be banned from politics and wages
would be frozen at a rate of $ .11-$.18/hour- lower than under
the Duvalier dictatorship. Haiti was to establish a World Bank
price floor for wages in the Western Hemisphere.
Once the deal was cut, President Clinton
intervened in Haiti to bring Aristide back.
... The US quickly tired of Aristide's
interference in the drug business. In 2000, after Aristide again
won the Haitian elections, the US deemed the count fraudulent
and cut off all aid, effectively relegating the island to slow
death. A few years later, in a bizarre bit of spook theater, Aristide
was kidnapped and flown into exile in Africa.
Freidrich Hegel's Hegelian dialectic put forth a process whereby
opposites thesis and antithesis are reconciled into synthesis.
The Rothschild's Business Roundtable that
sponsored him ... saw in the dialectic a boon to their monopolies
by presenting phony communism (antithesis) as bogeyman to capitalism
(thesis). The ensuing conflict which manifest in the Cold War
produced a huge market for arms and oil which their trusts manufactured.
Genuine revolutionary struggle in the
Third World could be labeled as "Soviet communist conspiracy"
and more arms could then be sent to depopulate the undesirable
poor, dispensing of agitators who threatened Roundtable interests...
By upholding Soviet state capitalism to all the world as an example
of "failed Communism", the bankers could discredit this
dangerous idea while producing their desired synthesis - a New
World Order ruled by the Illuminati banking families and Black
Nobility monarchs, with laissez faire monopoly capitalism as their
economic paradigm.
In 1915 the American International Corporation (AIC) was formed
to finance a Russian revolution... AIC directors included Frank
Vanderlip, who two years prior had attended the secret Jekyll
Island meetings that formulated the private Federal Reserve; and
George Herbert Walker, grandfather of George Bush Sr. The families
of Rockefeller, Rothschild, Du Pont, Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff and Harriman
were represented on AIC's board.
The [Russian Revolution] lasted until 1922. Some 28 million Russians
died. The unruly anarchists were eventually disposed of and the
Roundtable crowd launched its "antithesis" in Moscow.
Trotsky and Lenin were likely unaware they were being used by
the bankers. Trotsky fled to Mexico City, where he was murdered
by Stalin's agents in 1940. Lenin died in 1924. He had by then
identified the powerful forces behind his ascent as "monopoly
finance capitalists"
columnist Paul Scott wrote in 1976
It is [Henry] Kissinger's belief that
by controlling food one can control people, and by controlling
energy - especially oil - one can control nations and their financial
systems. By placing food and oil under international control along
with the world's monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely
knit world government can become a reality by 1980.
Chilean Minister of Agriculture Jacques Chonchol
Whoever controls food exports controls
the world.
Ronald Reagan entered the White House in 1980 determined to splinter
the Soviet Union into little pieces and open the country's oilfields
to the Four Horsemen.
The Vatican's secretive Opus Dei "saintly Mafia" was
behind the ascent of Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla to the Papacy.
Wojtyla became Pope John Paul II and launched an Opus Dei/ Vatican
offensive to roll back Latin American liberation theology movement...
During the 1940's he was a chemical salesman for Nazi combine
I. G. Farben. Wojtyla sold the Nazis the cyanide they used at
their Auschwitz death camps.
[It was] the 1978 Center for Disease Control
Hepatitis B study in the US through which the AIDS virus was introduced
into the gay population.
In 1982 Reagan met with Pope John Paul II... At the meeting the
two agreed to launch a clandestine program to tear Eastern Europe
away from the Soviets. Poland, the Pope's country of origin, would
be the key. Catholic priests, the AFL-CIO, the National Endowment
for Democracy, the Vatican Bank and CIA would all be deployed.
The Vatican is the world's largest owner of equities.
Malta is a nexus of CIA/MI6/Mossad intrigues.
In the 13th century Pope Clement V, backed by France's King Philip,
charged the Protestant Knights Templars with heresy, citing their
penchant for drug running, arms peddling, gambling and prostitution
rings... The Templars took their loot and fled to Scotland to
found Scottish Rite Freemasonry. They bankrolled the House of
Windsor, which controls Britain and presides at the apex of Freemasonry
around the world.
Dr. Johannes Koeppi, former German Defense Ministry official and
adviser to NATO
The interests behind the Bush Administration,
such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission
and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now implementing
open world dictatorship... They are not fighting against terrorists.
They are fighting against citizens.
While the US issues certifications to judge countries on their
ability to stop drug traffic, Big Oil produces 90% of the chemicals
needed to process cocaine and heroin, which CIA surrogates grow,
process and distribute.
Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Manuel Salgado
The world order ... doesn't allow for
any frontal attack aimed at destroying narco-trafficking because
that business, which moves $400 billion annually, is far too important
for the leading nations of world power to eliminate. The US...punishes
those countries which don't do enough to fight against drugs,
whereas their CIA boys have built paradises of corruption throughout
the world with the drug profits.
At the center of Four Horsemen [Big Oil] / GCC/CIA petrodollar
drugs for guns recycling scheme quietly sit the international
mega-banks. Through every major scandal and behind every despotic
regime sitting atop petrodollar wealth, stands a global financial
oligarchy - ultimate beneficiary of the world's addiction to oil,
guns and drugs... The oil wealth generated in the Persian Gulf
region is the main source of capital for these bankers. They sell
the GCC sheiks 30-year treasury bonds at 5% interest, then loan
the sheiks' oil money out to Third World governments and Western
consumers alike at 15-20% interest. In the process these financial
overlords, who produce nothing of economic import, use debt as
their lever in consolidating control over the global economy.
At the nadir of Four Horsemen [Big Oil] / GCC/CIA petrodollar
drugs for guns recycling scheme quietly sit the international
mega-banks. Through every major scandal and behind every despotic
regime sitting atop petrodollar wealth, stands a global financial
oligarchy - ultimate beneficiary of the world's addiction to oil,
guns and drugs.
Anglo-American is the Oppenheimer-controlled conglomerate whose
subsidiary monopolizes world gold refining. The Oppenheimers also
control Rio Tinto and DeBeers - the Cecil Rhodes-founded monopolizer
of the global diamond trade.
Kissinger Associates'... co-founder Lord Carrington, board member
at both Barclays and Hambros, chairs both the Bilderberger Group
and the Royal Institute for International Affairs.
A Eurodollar is simply any convertible currency existing in a
country other than its country of origin. A key feature of the
Eurodollar market is its lack of regulation and secrecy. The strength
of the British pound, unjustified on purely economic grounds,
has to do with the multi-trillion dollar Eurodollar petro-slush
fund which London attracts, in tandem with the string of British
Protectorate off-shore banking centers which facilitate the Eurodollar
trade and markets for narcotics, diamonds, gold, platinum, plutonium
and arms.
... In 1963 the Eurodollar market was
worth around $148 million. By 1982 it was worth $2 trillion.
Citibank Chairman Walter Wriston
If Exxon pays Saudi Arabia $50 million,
all that happens is that we debit Exxon and credit Saudi Arabia.
The balance sheet of Citibank remains the same. And if they say
they don't like American banks, they'll put it in Credit Suisse.
All we do is charge Saudi Arabia and credit Credit Suisse. Our
balance sheet remains the same. So when people run around waiting
for the sky to fall there isn't any way that money can leave the
system. It's a closed circuit.
[In the 1970s] a tidal wave of dollar-denominated petrocash flowed
into the London -controlled offshore Eurodollar markets, cementing
the US-British "special relationship" which props up
the House of Windsor.
In 1963 the Eurodollar market was worth around $148 million. By
1982 it was worth $2 trillion.
The ability of corporations and the wealthy to hide their billions
in the euro markets is a chronic problem for both the US Treasury
and its Third World counterparts. In 1950 US corporations footed
26% of the total US tax bill. By 1990 they were covering only
9%, contributing to massive budget deficits and a $2.4 trillion
US debt. It's worse in poor countries, who borrow the sheiks'
money from the international bankers at exorbitant interest rates,
then watch helplessly as IMF oligarch cronies make off with the
loot through BCCI-type bankster stings, sending the cash right
back into the vortex of the offshore Eurodollar market. The New
York Times estimated that between 1978-1987 Latin America alone
lost $600-$800 billion to this type of capital light, an amount
nearly equal to the combined debt of the Third World.
the African revolutionary leader and Tanzanian President Julius
Should we let our people starve so that
we can repay our debts?
The international bankers' ... Club of Rome arm ... advocated
depopulation of the world's undesirable poor.
By 1982 the total external debt of the Third World was $540 billion,
with 70% of that owed to Western mega-banks.
Profits derived from lending petrodollars to the Third World at
the seven largest US banks went from 22% to 60% of total earnings.
The biggest victims were Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Yugoslavia.
... If countries are unable to repay the
usurious loans, their resources are handed over to the bank's
multinational clients... Investment banking giants Lehman Brothers,
UBS Warburg, Lazard Freres, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill
Lynch and CS First Boston take the lead in the profitable arena
of default, as advisers to debtor governments.
The world's gold standard had been replaced by a petroleum standard.
By 1982 the euro market had assets of $2 trillion, while US M-1
money supply stood at $442 billion. The US debt skyrocketed while
the fat cat bankers which US forces are deployed to protect got
"filthy rich". One year following the seminal events
of 1973, international money center banks saw their assets increase
In 1975 of the $14.5 billion in Middle East oil revenues that
made it to US shores 78% was deposited with just six mega-banks:
Chase Manhattan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Citibank, Bank of America,
Manufacturers Hanover Trust and Chemical Bank.
In the 1960's economist Peter Dooley identified fifteen major
financial groups in the US. The Rockefeller/Morgan group dwarfed
the other fourteen. It controlled five of six of the mega-banks.
Bank of America was controlled by the Rothschild's. The group
also controlled Banker's Trust and Master Card.
Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT) conducted a mid-1970's investigation
into concentration of economic power in the US. He found that
Chase Manhattan Bank was among the top ten stockholders in forty-two
utility companies. Citibank was a top ten owner of forty-one utilities.
Manufacturers Hanover was among the top ten shareholders of thirty-one
utilities. These three plus Chemical Bank controlled 38% of all
foreign deposits in the US. A 1973 Federal Reserve report stated
that nine New York mega-banks held 90% of all oil industry debt,
75% of rubber and chemical industry debt and 66% of all machinery
and metals industry debt.
Most all Federal Reserve Chairmen have
come from the Rockefeller/Morgan combine. Paul Voicker came from
Chase Manhattan. When he stepped down from the Fed he became chairman
of the Trilateral Commission, founded by David Rockefeller. Alan
Greenspan succeeded Voicker as Fed Chairman. He came from Morgan
Guaranty Trust and served on the board of Rockefeller's Mobil.
The first Governor of the Federal Reserve was Paul Warburg of
the German Warburg banking dynasty, while the first Governor of
the powerful New York Fed was Morgan banker Benjamin Strong.
The Rockefeller/Morgan combine controls
three of the Four Horsemen [Big Oil], largely through its Banker's
Trust holding company and interlocking board directorates. In
2000 Chase Manhattan merged with Morgan Stanley, Morgan Guaranty
Trust and J.P. Morgan & Company to form JP Morgan Chase. The
behemoth banks of Rockefeller and Morgan, recyclers of petrodollars
for Iran, Saudi Arabia and the other GCC emirates, were now one.
With the advent of the oil spot futures market in 1973, the oil
industry came under increasing control of investment bankers.
The September 2000 marriage which created JP Morgan Chase was
just the final merger in a frenzy of bank consolidation that took
place throughout the 1990's. Merger mania was fed by a massive
deregulation of the banking industry including revocation of the
Glass Steagal Act of 1933, which was enacted after the Great Depression
to curb the banking monopolies which had caused the 1929 stock
market crash and precipitated the depression.
In July 1929 Goldman Sachs launched two investment trusts called
Shenandoah and Blue Ridge. Through August and September they touted
these trusts to the public, selling hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of shares through the Goldman Sachs Trading Corporation
at $104/share. Goldman Sachs insiders were bailing out of the
stock market. By the fall of 1934 the trust shares were worth
$1.75 each. One director at both Shenandoah and Blue Ridge was
Sullivan & Cromwell lawyer John Foster Dulles. John Merrill,
founder of Merrill Lynch, exited the stock market in 1928, as
did insiders at Lehman Brothers. Chase Manhattan Chairman Alfred
Wiggin took his "hunch" to the next level, forming Shermar
Corporation in 1929 to short the stock of his own company.
In February 1995 President Bill Clinton announced plans to wipe
out both Glass Steagal and the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956
- which barred banks from owning insurance companies and other
financial entities.
In 1991 US taxpayers, already billed over $500 billion dollars
for the S&L looting, were charged another $70 billion to ball
out the FDIC, then footed the bill for a secret 2 1/2-year rescue
of Citibank, which was close to collapse after the Latin American
debt crunch hit home.
In 1992 Bank of America bought its biggest West Coast rival Security
Pacific, then swallowed up the looted Continental Bank of Illinois
for cheap. Bank of America later took a 34% stake in Black Rock
(Barclays owns 20% of Black Rock) and an 11% share in China Construction
Bank, making it the nation's second largest bank holding company
with assets of $214 billion. Citibank controlled $249 billion.
[803] A year later Chemical Bank gobbled up Texas Commerce to
become the third largest bank holding company with $170 billion
in assets. Chemical Bank had already merged with Manufacturers
Hanover Trust in 1990. North Carolina National Bank and C&S
Sovran merged into Nation's Bank, then the fourth largest US bank
holding company, with $169 billion in its war chest. Fleet Norstar
bought Bank of New England, while Norwest bought United Banks
of Colorado.
Throughout this period US bank profits
were soaring, breaking records with each new quarter. The year
1995 broke all previous records for bank mergers. Deals totaling
$389 billion occurred that year.
According to Standard & Poors [1995] the top five investment
banks were Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter,
Salomon Smith Barney and Lehman Brothers.
In late 1998 the Citibank colossus merged with Travelers Group
to become Citigroup, creating a behemoth worth $700 billion.
[In 1998] Bankers Trust and US investment bank Alex Brown were
swooped up by Deutsche Bank, which had purchased Morgan Grenfell
of London in 1989. The purchase made Deutsche Bank the world's
largest bank with assets of a staggering $882 billion. In January
2002, Japanese titans Mitsubishi and Sumitomo combined operations
to create Mitsubishi Sumitomo Bank, which surpassed even Deutsche
Bank with assets of $905 billion. By 2004 HSBC had become the
world's second largest bank.
... Chase Manhattan swallowed up Chemical
Bank. Wells Fargo bought Norwest Bank, while Bank of America absorbed
Nations Bank. The coup de grace came when the reunified House
of Morgan announced that it would merge with the Rockefeller Chase
Manhattan/Chemical Bank/ Manufacturers Hanover machine.
[By 2000] four giant banks emerged to rule the US financial roost.
JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup were kings of capital on the East
Coast. Together they control 52.86% of the New York Federal Reserve
Bank. Bank of America and Wells Fargo reigned supreme on the West
During the 2008 banking crisis these firms
got even bigger, taking on distressed assets for pennies on the
dollar. Barclays took over Lehman Brothers. JP Morgan Chase got
Washington Mutual. Bank of America was handed Merrill Lynch and
Countrywide, while Wells Fargo got the nation's 5th biggest bank-
The Four Horsemen of Banking [Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase,
Wells Fargo, Citigroup] own the Four Horsemen of Oil [Shell, Chevron,
British Petroleum, Exxon] , in tandem with Deusche Bank, Banque
Paribas, Barclays and other European old money behemoths... These
same Four Horsemen of Banking are also among the top 10 stock
holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.
J. W. McCallister, oil industry insider with House of Saud connections,
wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi
bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank-
by far the most powerful Fed branch - by just eight families,
only four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs,
Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschild's
of Paris and London; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses
Seifs of Rome.
... CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates
McCallister's claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve
Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London,
Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of ( Hamburg, Warburg
Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers
of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of
Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New
Eustace Mullins in his book "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve"
displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the
families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others. The
control that these banking families exert over the global economy
cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy.
The House of Morgan presided over American finance ... acting
as quasi-US central bank since 1838, when George Peabody founded
it in London. Peabody was a business associate of the Rothschild's.
In 1952 Fed researcher Eustace Mullins put forth the supposition
that the Morgans were nothing more than Rothschild agents.
Eustace Mullins in his book "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve"
[The Rothschild's]... preferred to operate
anonymously in the US behind the facade of J.P. Morgan & Company.
author Gabriel Kolko in his book "The Triumph of Conservatism"
J.P. Morgan's activities in 1895-1896
in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with
the House of Rothschild.
By 1890 the House of Morgan was lending to Egypt's central bank,
financing Russian railroads, floating Brazilian provincial government
bonds and funding Argentine public works projects. A recession
in 1893 enhanced Morgan's power. That year Morgan saved the US
government from a bank panic, forming a syndicate to prop up government
reserves with a shipment of $62 million worth of Rothschild gold.
In 1879 Cornelius Vanderbilt's New York Central Railroad gave
preferential shipping rates to john D. Rockefellers Standard Oil.
The Rockefeller/Morgan relationship was cemented. The House of
Morgan was now under Rothschild and Rockefeller family control.
J P Morgan and Edward Harriman's banker Kuhn Loeb held a monopoly
over the railroads, while banking dynasties Lehman, Goldman Sachs
and Lazard joined the Rockefellers in controlling the US industrial
base. In 1903 Banker's Trust was set up by the Eight Families.
Benjamin Strong of Banker's Trust soon became the first Governor
of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The 1913 creation of the
Federal Reserve fused the power of the Eight Families to the military
and diplomatic might of the US government. If overseas debt went
unpaid, the oligarchs could now deploy US Marines to collect their
money. Morgan, Chase and Citibank soon formed an international
lending syndicate.
The House of Morgan was cozy with the British House of Windsor
and the Italian House of Savoy. The Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans,
Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs and Goldman Sachs also had close ties
to European royalty.
In 1904 John Moody - founder of Moody's Investor Services - said
it was impossible to talk of Rockefeller and Morgan interests
as separate. Public distrust of the combine spread. Many considered
them traitors working for European old money. Rockefeller's Standard
Oil, Andrew Carnegie's US Steel and Edward Harriman's railroads
were all financed by banker Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb, who worked
closely with the European Rothschild's.
Several Western states banned the bankers.
Populist preacher William Jennings Bryan was narrowly defeated
in his underdog run at the US Presidency in 1896. The central
theme of Bryan's campaign was that America was falling into a
trap of "financial servitude to British capital".
The House of Morgan financed half the US war effort [WWI], while
receiving commissions for lining up contractors like GE, Du Pont,
US Steel, Kennecott and ASARCO. All were Morgan clients. Morgan
had also financed the British Boer War in South Africa and the
Franco-Prussian War.
In the 1930's populism resurfaced in America after Goldman Sachs,
Lehman Bank and others profited from the Crash of 1929. House
Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden (D-NY) said of the Great
Depression, "It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived
occurrence... The international bankers sought to bring about
a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of
us all".
Sen. Gerald Nye (D-ND) chaired a munitions
investigation in 1936. Nye concluded that the House of Morgan
had plunged the US into WWI to protect loans and create a booming
arms industry. Nye later produced a document titled The Next War,
which cynically referred to "the old goddess of democracy
trick", through which Japan could be used to lure the US
into WWII.
BIS [Bank of International Settlements] is the most powerful bank
in the world, a global central bank for the Eight Families who
control the private central banks of almost all Western and developing
BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of
Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank,
Bundesbanke and Bank of France.
Historian Carroll Quigley says BIS [Bank of International Settlements]
was part of a plan, "to create a world system of financial
control in private hands able to dominate the political system
of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...to be
controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the
world acting in concert by secret agreements."
BIS [Bank of International Settlements] holds at least 10% of
monetary reserves for at least 80 of the world's central banks,
the IMF and other multilateral institutions. It serves as financial
agent for international agreements, collects information on the
global economy and serves as lender of last resort to prevent
global financial collapse.
... BIS served as conduit for Eight Families
funding of Adolf Hitler led by the Warburg's J. Henry Schroeder
and Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam. Many researchers assert that
BIS is at the nadir of global drug money laundering... Other institutions
which the Eight Families control include the World Economic Forum,
the International Monetary Conference and the World Trade Organization.
The Rockefellers control Metropolitan Life, Equitable Life, Prudential
and New York Life. Rockefeller banks control 25% of all assets
of the 50 largest US commercial banks and 30% of all assets the
50 largest insurance companies.
... Companies under Rockefeller control
include Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco, Marathon Oil, Freeport
McMoran, Quaker Oats, ASARCO, United, Delta, Northwest, ITT, International
Harvester, Xerox, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell,
International Paper, Pfizer, Motorola, Monsanto, Union Carbide
and General Foods.
The Rockefeller Foundation has close financial ties to both Ford
and Carnegie Foundations.
The Dulles and Rockefeller families are cousins. Allen Dulles
created the CIA, assisted the Nazis, covered up the Kennedy hit
from his Warren Commission perch and struck a deal with the Muslim
Brotherhood to create mind-controlled assassins. Brother John
Foster Dulles presided over the phony Goldman Sachs trusts before
the 1929 stock market crash and helped his brother overthrow governments
in Iran and Guatemala. Both were Skull & Bones, CFR members
and 33rd Degree Masons.
Of all the Rockefeller brothers, it is Trilateral Commission (TC)
founder and Chase Manhattan Chairman David who has spearheaded
the family's fascist agenda on a global scale. He defended the
Shah of Iran, the South African apartheid regime and the Chilean
Pinochet junta. He was the biggest financier of the CFR, the TC
and the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia-
a contract bonanza for those who made their living off the conflict.
Alexander Hamilton
All communities divide themselves into
the few and the many. The first are the rich and the well born,
the others the mass of the people...The people are turbulent and
changing; they seldom judge and determine right. Give therefore
to the first class a distinct, permanent share of government.
They will check the unsteadiness of the second.
Thomas Jefferson
A country which expects to remain ignorant and free... expects
that which has never been and that which will never be. There
is scarcely a King in a hundred who would not, if he could, follow
the example of Pharaoh - get first all the people's money, then
all their lands and then make them and their children servants
forever... banking establishments are more dangerous than standing
armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy.
In 1791 the Bank of the United States was founded, with the Rothschild's
as main owners. The bank's charter was to run out in 1811. Public
opinion ran in favor of revoking the charter and replacing it
with a Jeffersonian public central bank.
... In his 1828 campaign for the presidency
of the United States, Andrew Jackson railed against the international
bankers who controlled the Bank of the United States (BUS) a privately-held
central bank
You are a den of vipers. I intend to expose
you and by Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people understood
the rank injustices of our money and banking system there would
be a revolution before morning.
after his election in 1828, Andrew Jackson revoked the charter
of the Bank of the United States, stating
The Act seems to be predicated on an erroneous
idea that the present shareholders have a prescriptive right to
not only the favor, but the bounty of the government.., for their
benefit does this Act exclude the whole American people from competition
in the purchase of this monopoly. Present stockholders and those
inheriting their rights as successors be established a privileged
order, clothed both with great political power and enjoying immense
pecuniary advantages from their connection with government. Should
its influence be concentrated under the operation of such an Act
as this, in the hands of a self-elected directory whose interests
are identified with those of the foreign stockholders, will there
not be cause to tremble for the independence of our country in
war.., controlling our currency, receiving our public monies and
holding thousands of our citizens independence, it would be more
formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of
the enemy. It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too
often bend the acts of government for selfish purposes ...to make
the rich richer and more powerful. Many of our rich men have not
been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have
besought us to make them richer by acts of Congress. I have done
my duty to this country.
International bankers primary income is derived from interest
payments on debt.
The Civil War was unleashed, with London bankers backing the Union
and French bankers backing the South. The Lehman family made a
fortune smuggling arms to the south and cotton to the north. By
1861 the US was $100 million in debt - New President Abraham Lincoln
snubbed the Eurobankers issuing Lincoln Greenbacks to pay Union
Army bills. The Times of London now called for the "destruction
of the US government".
The "Hazard Circular" written by European bankers, was
exposed and circulated throughout the country by angry populists.
It stated:
The European Bankers favor the end of
slavery... the European Plan is that capital money lenders shall
control labor by controlling wages. The great debt that capitalists
will see is made out of the war and must be used to control the
valve of money. To accomplish this government bonds must be used
as a banking basis. We are now awaiting Secretary of Treasury
Salmon Chase to make that recommendation. It will not allow Greenbacks
to circulate as money as we cannot control that. We control bonds
and through them banking issues.
The 1863 National Banking Act reinstated a private US central
bank. President Abraham Lincoln was re-elected the next year,
vowing to repeal the act after he took his January 1865 oaths
of office. Before he could act, he was assassinated at the Ford
Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Booth had major connections to the
international bankers.
Nearly a century after Lincoln was assassinated for issuing Greenbacks,
President John Kennedy was assassinated for issuing silver-backed
United States Note.
The Rothschild family combined with the Dutch House of Orange
to found Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600's as the world's
first central bank.
In 1694 William III teamed up with the Rothschild's to launch
the Bank of England.
Bank of England Deputy Governor George Blunden
Fear is what makes the bank's powers so
acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people
are dependent on us and fear losing their privileges or when they
are frightened.
Rothschild-controlled Barings Bank bankrolled the Chinese opium
and African slave trades. It financed the Louisiana Purchase.
The House of Rothschild financed the Prussian
War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez
Canal from the French. Nathan Rothschild made a huge financial
bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, while also funding
the Duke of Wellington's peninsular campaign against Napoleon.
Both the Mexican War and the Civil War were gold mines for the
A Rothschild family biography mentions
a London meeting where an "International Banking Syndicate"
decided to pit the American North against the South as part of
a "divide and conquer" strategy.
German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated
The division of the United States into
federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War.
These bankers were afraid that the United States ...would upset
their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschild's
Author Frederick Morton estimates that by 1850 the Rothschild's
were worth over $10 billion. Some researchers believe that their
fortune today exceeds $100 trillion.
The Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs and Rothschild's
have intermarried into one big happy banking family.
The Rothschild's control a far-flung financial empire, which includes
majority stakes in most world central banks. The Edmond de Rothschild
clan owns the Banque Privee SA in Lugano, Switzerland and the
Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild
owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. They are members
of the exclusive Club of the Isles, which provides capital for
George Soros' Quantum Fund NV, which made a killing in 1998-1999
destroying the currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and Russia.
The Club of Isles group which funds Quantum is led by the Rothschild's
and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European aristocrats
and Black Nobility.
The largest repository for Rothschild wealth today is Rothschild's
Continuation Holdings AG - a secretive Swiss-based bank holding
company. By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire
were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob
and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain. Evelyn is current chairman
of the Economist.
The Rothschild's exert political control through the secretive
Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help
of Lord Alfred Milner and South African industrialist Cecil Rhodes...
Rhodes founded De Beers and Standard Chartered Bank. Milner financed
the Russian Bolsheviks on Rothschild's behalf, with help from
Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg.
In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour penned a letter
to Zionist Second Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed
support for a Jewish homeland on Palestinian-controlled lands
in the Middle East. The Balfour Declaration justified the brutal
seizure of Palestinian lands for the post-WWII establishment of
Israel. Israel would serve, not as some high-minded "Jewish
homeland", but as linchpin in Rothschild/Eight Families control
over the world's oil supply. Baron Edmond de Rothschild built
the first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to
bring BP Iranian oil to Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank
and Paz Oil. He is considered by many the father of modern Israel.
John Coleman in his book "Committee of 300"
Round Tablers armed with immense wealth
from gold, diamond and drug monopolies fanned out throughout the
world to take control of fiscal and monetary policies and political
leadership in all countries where they operated.
In 1919 Rothschild's Business Roundtable spawned the Royal Institute
of International Affairs (RIIA) in London. The RIIA soon sponsored
sister organizations around the globe, including the US Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The RIIA [Royal Institute of International Affairs] is a registered
charity of the Queen of England and, according to its annual reports,
is funded largely by the Four Horsemen of Banking.
United World Federalists (UWF) first president Cord Meyer
Once having joined the One-World Federated
Government, no nation could secede or revolt ...with the atom
bomb in its possession the Federal Government would blow that
nation off the face of the earth.
United World Federalists founder James Warburg testified before
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950
We shall have world government whether
or not you like it - by conquest or consent.
The Illuminati serves as ruling council to all secret societies.
They encouraged US independence from Britain so that American
affairs could be secretly run by the Crown without interference
from British Parliament.
British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli before the House of Commons
in 1856
There is in Italy a power which we seldom
mention. I mean the secret societies. Europe ...is covered with
a network of secret societies just the surfaces of the earth are
covered with a network of railroads.
The forerunners of the Freemasons - the Knights Templar - founded
the concept of banking and created a "bond market" as
a means to control European nobles through war debts... The Crusader
Knights Templar looted a huge store of gold and numerous sacred
artifacts from beneath the Solomon Temple. (King Solomon was the
son of King David)... The claimed lineage to the House of David
is what the Illuminati use to justify their global control.
The Rothschild's ... sit at the apex of the both the Illuminati
and the Eight Families banking cartel. The family accumulated
its vast wealth issuing war bonds to Black Nobility for centuries,
including the British Windsors, the French Bourbons, the German
von Thurn und Taxis, the Italian Savoys and the Austrian and Spanish
author David Icke
The Rothschild's had the crown heads of
Europe in debt to them and this included the Black Nobility dynasty,
the Hapsburgs, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire for 600 years.
The Rothschild's also control the Bank of England. If there was
a war, the Rothschild's were behind the scenes, creating conflict
and funding both sides.
The Rothschild's and the Warburgs are main stockholders of the
German Bundesbank. Rothschild's control Japan's biggest banking
house Nomura Securities via a tie-up between Edmund Rothschild
and Tsunao Okumurahe.
The Rothschild's are the richest and most powerful family in the
Colonel Eli Garrison wrote in "Roosevelt, Wilson and the
Federal Reserve"
Paul Warburg was the man who got the Federal
Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused such resentment
and opposition. The mastermind of both plans was Baron Alfred
Rothschild of London.
New York City Mayor John Hylan, 1911
The real menace to our republic is the
invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its
slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a
small group of banking houses generally referred to as the 'international
The Balfour Declaration leading to the creation of Israel was
penned to Zionist Lord Rothschild.
In the 1920's Baron Edmund de Rothschild founded the Palestine
Economics Commission, while Kuhn Loeb's Manhattan offices helped
Rothschild form a network to smuggle weapons to Zionist death
squads bent on seizing Palestinian lands. General Julius Klein
oversaw the operation and headed the US Army Counterintelligence
Corps. Klein diverted Marshall Plan aid to Europe to Zionist terror
cells in Palestine after WWII.
The year 1917 saw the 16th Amendment added to the US Constitution,
levying a national income tax, though it was ratified by only
two of the required 36 states. The IRS is a private corporation
registered in Delaware. Four years earlier the Rockefeller Foundation
was launched, to shield family wealth from the new income tax
provisions, while steering public opinion through social engineering.
Representative Charles Lindberg, Sr. (D-NY)
[The Federal Reserve Act would] establish
the most gigantic trust on earth ...When the president signs this
act, the invisible government by the money power will be legitimized.
The law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation.
From now on, depressions will be scientifically created. The invisible
government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust
Investigation, will be legalized. The whole central bank concept
was engineered by the very group it was supposed to strip of power.
The Federal Reserve is made up of all banks in the US, but the
New York Federal Reserve Bank controls the Fed by virtue of its
enormous capital resources. The true center of power within the
Fed is the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), on which only
the NY Fed President holds a permanent voting seat.
In the fifth sub-basement [of the Federal Reserve building] lie
10,300 tons of mostly non-US gold, 1/3 of the world's gold reserves
and by far the largest gold stock in the world.
When the Fed was created five New York banks - Citibank, Chase,
Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover and Bankers Trust - held
a 43% stake in the New York Fed. By 1983 these same five banks
owned 53% of the NY Fed. By year 2000, the newly merged Citigroup,
JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank combines owned even bigger chunks.
The remainder is owned by the European faction of the Eight Families.
Collectively they own majority stock in every Fortune 500 corporation
and do the bulk of stock and bond trading. In 1955 the above five
banks accounted for 15% of all stock trades. By 1985 they were
involved in 85.2 of all stock transactions.
Still more powerful [than the Federal
Reserve] are the investment banks which bear the names of many
of the Eight Families. In 1982, President Reagan pushed through
SEC Rule 415, which helped consolidate securities underwriting
in the hands of six large investment houses owned by the Eight
Families: Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Salomon
Brothers, First Boston and Lehman Brothers. These banks further
consolidated their power via the merger mania of 1980s and 1990s.
A handful of investment banks exerts an enormous amount of control
over the global economy. Their activities include advising Third
World debt negotiations, handling mergers and breakups, creating
companies to fill a perceived economic void through the launching
of initial public stock offerings, underwriting all stocks, underwriting
all corporate and government bond issuance, and pushing the bandwagon
down the road of privatization and globalization of the world
Following the Lehman Brothers fiasco and the ensuing financial
meltdown of 2008, the Four Horsemen of Banking got even bigger.
For pennies on the dollar, JP Morgan Chase was handed Bear Stearns
and Washington Mutual. Bank of America commandeered Merrill Lynch
and Countrywide. And Wells Fargo seized control over Wachovia.
Barclays got a sweetheart deal for the remains of Lehman Brothers.
House Banking Committee Chairman Wright Patman (D-TX), declared
of Federal Reserve Eight Families owners
The United States today has in effect
two governments. We are the duly constituted government. Then
we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government
in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which
are reserved to Congress by the Constitution.
Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, US debt to the Eight
Families has skyrocketed: from $1 billion to over $13 trillion
today. This far surpasses the total of all Third World country
debt combined, debt which is also owed to these same Eight Families
who own most all the world's central banks.
Sen. Barry Goldwater
International bankers make money by extending
credit to governments. The greater the debt of the political state,
the larger the interest returned to lenders. The national banks
of Europe are also owned and controlled by private interests.
We recognize in a hazy sort of way that the Rothschild's and the
Warburgs of Europe and the houses of JP Morgan, Kuhn Loeb &
Co., Schff, Lehman and Rockefeller possess and control vast wealth.
How they acquire this vast financial power and employ it is a
mystery to most of us.
George Bush Sr. [works] as financial adviser for the Mellon family-controlled
Carlyle Group - chaired by Frank Carlucci, who was Reagan and
Bush Defense Secretary and chaired Reagan's NSC. Carlucci worked
with mobsters in the 1961 CIA assassination of Congolese Prime
Minister Patrice Lumumba. He was a Yale roommate of Bush Jr. Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. They were joined at Yale by James Baker
and George Bush Sr. member of Skull & Bones.
... Carlyle Group was founded by Carter
aid David Rubenstein in 1987. It is a private equity fund that
specializes in recycling petrodollars from Persian Gulf sheiks
back into Eight Families banks.
George H W Bush, James Baker and Deutsche Bank's Peay are joined
on Carlyle's board by former British Prime Minister John Major,
former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt, Reagan Budget Director Richard
Darman and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General
John Shalikashvili. Former Philippine President Fidel Ramos -
head of intelligence for the Marcos regime - joins a former Thai
Prime Minister, former South Korean Prime Minister Park Tae Joon
and the director of the BCCI-tainted Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
on Carlyle's Asia Advisory Board.
Carlyle is the 11th largest defense contractor in the US. It is
20% -owned by Mellon Bank and is controlled by the Mellon family's
Blackstone Group.
The Eight Families and their Four Horsemen progeny find Islamic
fundamentalism quite congruent to the global monopoly capitalism
from which they continue to derive their wealth. Both ideologies
advocate centralized control, intolerance of opposition, rule
by decree and a return to feudalistic rule by monarchy. They share
common enemies in nationalism and socialism, which seek to redistribute
wealth and power.
Many times throughout history the Illuminati bankers have turned
to Islamists to terrorize popular nationalist movements that aimed
to wrest control over their nations from the bankers' IMF/ World
Bank program of global domination.
There has been a well-founded notion since America's inception
that the European Rothschild-led Illuminati bankers have sought
to bring America to its knees and return it to the fold of the
Crown of England - whose power is derived from oligarchical remnants
of the Roman Empire. This medieval rollback could be easily accomplished
through the mere withdrawal of Eight Families funding of America's
$13 trillion debt, which has mostly accrued owing to the US military's
role as mercenary praetorian guard of the Illuminati global empire.
Coupled with a devastating US military defeat, America could be
brought to its knees.
On August 15, 1871 Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient &
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry General Albert Pike wrote
a letter to Italian P-1 33rd Degree Grand Commander and Mafia
founder Guiseppe Mazzini. In the letter Pike talked of a Brotherhood
plan for three World Wars. The first, he said, would destroy czarist
Russia and create a Communist "bogeyman" which the bankers
could employ to justify their foreign interventions around the
world. The second, Pike said, would be used to create Israel,
which would become a mercenary force for the international bankers,
protecting oil interests for Rothschild and Rockefeller combines.
The Third World War, stated Pike's letter,
would pit Arabs against Zionists, and would culminate in a New
World Order completely controlled by the international bankers
and their secret societies.
A group of commercial airline pilots, many of them Vietnam veterans,
met in the aftermath of 911 to discuss the logistical aspects
of the tragedy. They concluded overwhelmingly that the three Arabs
who supposedly flew the jumbo jets into the WTC and the Pentagon
could absolutely not have done so with the limited flight simulator
experience which they received at US flight schools. The group
found it odd that the transponders on the planes had been turned
off, since this would serve no purpose if the Arabs were in control
of the planes. The group came to believe that the planes' flight
paths were programmed by AWAC surveillance planes flying off the
Atlantic coast. This fly by wire technology has existed for years
and is employed on drone CIA Predator spy planes.
... The commercial pilots said this accounts
for the transponders being turned off, since this is necessary
to hand over manual control of an aircraft to computerized AWACS,
which then fly the plane by remote control. This would also account
for the pinpoint accuracy of the attacks, which had to have been
calibrated using engineering specifications to have brought down
both WTC towers- though it also appears that bombs played a key
In June 2001 a female Russian doctor stated in a Pravda column
that the US would be subject to a massive terrorist attack in
late August 2001. She was then asked what she believed was coming
next. She suggested selling dollars and buying Russian rubles,
saying that the secret group behind 911 was the most powerful
force in the world, worth over $300 trillion. She said this group
would soon "strike America in the back" while it was
down and that the next shoe to drop would be the decimation of
the US economy... This secret group cold only be the Illuminati
Rothschild-led Eight Families.
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