Yet Another Great Game
[China, US & Oil]
by Stephen Glain
Newsweek International, 12/20/04

If a report circulating among senior
members of America's defense establishment is any guide, the Sino-American
war for future petroleum supplies has already begun. According
to the 80-page study, Beijing has identified the United States
as "a paramount threat to its energy security and economic
stability" and is busily establishing a "string of pearls"-forward
deployments of surveillance stations, naval facilities and airstrips-to
safeguard the petroleum-transport route from the Persian Gulf
to the South China Sea. Once it controls Asia's vital sea lanes,
the report goes on, China may then move on some of the world's
key oil reserves-perhaps by replacing the United States as Saudi
Arabia's patron and protector, or by seizing a strategic oil pipeline
in the Russian Far East. The Chinese, the report says, "equate
energy security with physical possession or control of energy
supplies" and "have a tendency to see securing their
energy security as a zero-sum game."
Nowhere is that more clear than in
sub-Saharan Africa, where Chinese oil and natural-gas companies
have over the past several years inked deals with regimes such
as Sudan's, ostracized by the West for its complicity in atrocities
committed against villagers in Darfur. "It's very effective
and farsighted diplomacy," says John Tkacik, a China expert
at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. "They look to where
their opponent is not and discreetly place their pieces in unclaimed
areas of the map, which in this case is Africa."
In staking out Africa, however, Beijing
is setting itself up for a seismic rivalry with the -United States,
which has identified the region as key to its efforts to diversify
its oil sources away from the unstable Middle East. In the aftermath
of 9/11, a U.S.-Israeli study group recommended that Washington
prevent "rivals such as China" from horning in on Africa's
natural resources, while the Pentagon study says, "Chinese
companies are investing in East, West, and North Africa and [the
Chinese Army] has sent troops to protect its energy investments
in Sudan" -an assertion long rumored by human-rights groups
and other Africa experts but never confirmed. In turn, American
oil companies have raised their profile in Africa amid rumors
that the United States is planning to build a military base in
the oil-rich Gulf of Guinea. "In Africa," says Jamal
Qureshi, an oil-markets expert at PFC Energy in Washington, "you've
got new players, with China as a possible counterweight to the
U.S. There could be elements of confrontation."
Before 9/11, U.S. oil companies generally
kept their distance from such countries as Sudan, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo and Libya, due to political risk, concerns
over human-rights violations, sanctions or all three. True, U.S.
firms have done business with autocracies like Nigeria, despite
the Bush administration's public snubbing of President Olusegun
Obasanjo. But until now, such deals have been cut on a piecemeal
basis-unlike those recently struck by state-owned China National
Petroleum Co. (CNPC) as part of an official policy of nurturing
diplomatic ties in exchange for oil concessions.
During the cold war, China reached
out to Africa in political solidarity with its nonaligned nations,
and to block them from having relations with Taiwan. Indeed, Africa
accounts for a dwindling share of the 27 or so countries that
still recognize the island state over China. Now China is supporting
developing countries as part of a transparent bid for economic
gain, and its petrodiplomacy extends worldwide.
In October Beijing agreed to buy
up to $100 billion in Iranian petroleum and gas and to help develop
a major Iranian oilfield near the Iraqi border-evidence of an
evolving Sino-Iranian alliance that is featured in the Pentagon
report. Earlier this year Beijing signed a 25-year deal to develop
natural-gas reserves in Iran-despite U.S.-led sanctions-and it
is increasingly active in the Gulf states. Iranian Oil Minister
Bijan Zanganeh recently said that the strengthening Tehran-Beijing
link was "neutralizing" U.S.-imposed sanctions. "Japan
is our No. 1 energy importer for historical reasons... but we
would like to give preference to exports to China," said
Africa, though, remains the new oil
frontier for both China and the United States. Since Chinese President
Hu Jintao's February goodwill mission to oil-producing states,
Beijing has signed agreements with Algeria, Gabon and Nigeria,
and is discussing similar deals with Niger, Chad, the Central
African Republic, Congo and Angola. In return for access to raw
materials in Africa, China is financing and building roads, dams,
airports and energy grids, signing free-trade agreements and even
promoting Africa at home as a tourist destination. Within the
next half decade, according to energy analysts, Africa is expected
to account for nearly a third of the oil China purchases overseas,
up from 25 percent today.
Once oil-independent, China has over
the last decade become increasingly reliant on imports, which
now account for 60 percent of its oil consumption, up from 6.4
percent in 1993. Within the next five years, according to Beijing,
China will be importing 50 million tons of oil and 50 billion
cubic meters of gas annually. Even for a country more concerned
with human rights, those kinds of numbers would remove many inhibitions.
In 2001 Beijing identified Sudan
as the springboard for its campaign to triple its overseas oil
production within four years, despite U.N. sanctions against the
Sudanese regime. CNPC now dominates a consortium of Asian companies
drilling Sudan's fields under license by Khartoum. Through a subsidiary,
CNPC took a lead role in building a 1,500-kilometer-long pipeline
from the main oilfields to the Red Sea and built a refinery near
Khartoum with a 2.5 million-ton processing capacity. Safely distanced
from the chaos in southern Darfur, these facilities have helped
swell Sudan's oil output to 345,000 barrels per day, up from 270,000
in 2003, and provide an estimated 8 percent of China's total oil
The sales have also helped finance
Khartoum's arms purchases from Beijing; the government is thought
to be nurturing a Sudanese arms industry with Chinese technology.
"Khartoum is emboldened and encouraged by China's assistance,"
says Jemera Rone, a Sudan specialist for Human Rights Watch. "It
is using petrodollars to manufacture arms, many of them knockoff
versions of Chinese weapons."
The Sino-Sudanese ties are complicating
U.N. efforts to isolate Khartoum for its alleged complicity in
massacres and rapes in southern Darfur. Beijing has blocked or
diluted several U.S.-sponsored draft resolutions condemning Khartoum,
and has signaled it will veto further sanctions. Washington, which
needs Chinese support in Security Council matters regarding Iraq,
is unlikely to push Beijing on Sudan.
While the United States appears to
have conceded Sudan to China, it is active elsewhere in Africa.
U.S. President George W. Bush has made a point of meeting with
leaders of such countries as Chad and Congo, which in the past
barely registered on Washington's foreign-policy map. The African
Oil Policy Initiative Group, a confederation of oil executives,
members of Congress, White House officials and consultants, has
recommended that the United States work openly with Nigeria to
secure Africa's oil-rich areas and enhance the prospects for foreign
investment. It has also urged the Pentagon to build a naval base
at the oil-rich islands of So Tome and Principe, and to permanently
deploy a large force of U.S. troops there. Some analysts even
suspect that the deliberate way in which the United States lifted
sanctions on Libya earlier this year was a move to check China's
growing influence in Africa. If China sees energy security as
a zero-sum game, so, it appears, does its American rival.
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