An interview with Ilan Pappe
by Christopher Brown
The Electronic Intifada, December
11, 2006

A tenuous ceasefire is holding in the
Gaza Strip after almost five months of a heavy dose of "Operation
Summer Rain" by the Israeli military.
The showers of missiles, aerial bombardment,
military incursions into populated areas over the course of the
five month 'rain' storm have left dead more than 457 people, a
quarter of them children, and well over 1,000 injured.
Since the summer rains began, many in
the Israeli peace camp have remained silent about the ongoing
crisis in Gaza and the West Bank. However, one voice remains constant
in Israeli circles and continues to speak out despite opposition
to the contrary. Professor Ilan Pappe is a professor of history
at Haifa University. He has written numerous articles on the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and has openly and continuously called for academic as
well as cultural boycotts of Israel.
These pronouncements have made Professor
Pappe a scion in the eyes of the Israeli government and public,
but he continues to move forward in the hope of reconciliation
and justice for Palestinians. His latest contribution is the new
book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.
EI contributor Christopher Brown recently
spoke over the phone with Professor Pappe about the current situation
in Israel/Palestine.
Christopher Brown: Ehud Olmert recently
appointed Avigdor Lieberman as deputy prime minister -- a man
who some consider a "fascist" in light of his views
towards Arabs, and Palestinians in particular. Yet, the world
press has barely said anything about his rants; for instance,
that all Arabs should be expelled from the territories, and Arab
Knesset members be executed for having any contact with the Hamas
led government. Meanwhile, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president
of Iran, has his every word recorded for all to hear, regarding
the Holocaust being a hoax, the destruction of Israel and the
like. Your response?
Ilan Pappe: I think you've put your finger
on two very important issues. The first one is the ideology that
Avigdor Lieberman subscribes to that is an ethnic cleansing ideology.
Someone who believes that the only way to solving the problems
in Israel/Palestine is by expelling the Palestinians from Israel
and any territory Israel covets.
I think the problem with Avigdor Lieberman
is not his own views but the fact that he reflects what most Israeli
Jews think, and definitely what most of his colleagues in the
Olmert government think but don't dare to say, or don't think
is desirable to say for tactical reasons. But I do think that
we should be worried about Lieberman, not as an extreme fascist
but rather as a person who represents the mood of Israel in 2006.
The second point is the double standard,
the hypocrisy that you pointed to where you compared rightly the
utterances of Ahmadinejad being repeated and how similar, and
worse generalizations and attitudes by Israelis are not heard
at all. And I think the reason has to do with the very peculiar
standing that Israel has among the western world. [However] not
in the eyes of civil society ... [To] most people that live today
in the west, [Israel] is a country that violates human rights,
civil rights, and both its ideology and polices are not acceptable.
But the governments are still very supportive of the state because
the world is lead by an American president and a group of people
who have a certain point of view, almost a religious point of
view, in which such ideas like that of Lieberman fit well.
There's not that much difference between
Israeli policy and U.S. policy in Iraq. And I think as long as
America is the super-power in the world and Israel is its closest
ally, we will continue to see this double standard in the attitudes
of governments and in the mainstream media.
CB: Sixty-one Irish academics wrote a
public letter in September, calling for a moratorium on EU aid
to Israeli universities until Israel abides by international law
and basic human rights norms. In addition, a Canadian teachers'
union has also called for academic boycotts. Is this an effective
way to pressure the Israeli government to address the occupation
in a way that brings about justice for the Palestinians?
IP: It is an effective way if it's not
only an academic boycott. An academic boycott is only one component
in what one cold call a cultural boycott of Israel, because it
will be very hard in this globalized world we live in to bring
about economic sanctions, which would have been the most effective
in forcing a change in Israeli policy.
The second best, and more feasible, [way]
is to send a message to Israel from the societies at large that
its policies are unacceptable, that as long as it continues to
do what it does it cannot be accepted ... It cannot be in the
community of civilized nations.
I think there is both a symbolic and a
very political significance to a coordinated reaction by societies
in the west for a message, a clear message, that is conveyed in
the way of a boycott of divestment or any other symbolic act which
says that there is a price tag attached to the policies that you
pursue and as long as you pursue these policies, you are not welcomed
here. Not as individuals -- you are not welcomed here if you represent
a certain ideology, a certain state, and especially if you appear
as an official representative of this state. We are not inventing
the wheel, of course. The cultural boycott was a very crucial
component in the action against Apartheid in South Africa. It
was very effective and useful according to people who lived there.
The most important thing to remember about
such actions is that they are nonviolent. One has to show that
the Palestinians, and the Palestinians have to discover it themselves,
that there are nonviolent possibilities in pursuing the struggle
against Israeli occupation. Because if they are nonviolent, who
could blame the Palestinians for using every desperate means at
their disposal to try and stop one of the cruelest and most oppressive
occupations in modern times?
CB: What of those [like the Israeli lobby
groups] who would say that proposing a cultural and academic boycott
is furthering anti-semitism? How do you respond to that?
IP: Three points are important in this
connection. The first one should highlight the fact that many
progressive and liberal Jews both in the United States and in
Europe are involved in the cultural boycott action. In fact, in
the name of their Jewish identity, heritage, their understanding
of Jewish values, they stood alongside those demonstrators against
the violations of human rights in the southern United States,
in South America, in South Africa, and in Southeast Asia -- they
see no difference when it comes to Israel-Palestine. In fact,
in this case, even though it's a Jewish state that violates human
rights, it does not change their position. Whoever is the violator,
they should stand against them.
The second [point] is, the Israelis are
over-using the anti-semitic accusation against anyone who criticizes
them. Not only [against] those who call for a boycott, even the
mildest criticism of Israel is depicted here as an act of anti-semitism.
I think with a good educational network, one could disseminate
the views that this is an Israeli tactic that has very little
to do with real or actualized upsurges of anti-semitic feelings,
which definitely still prevail in some parts of the world. Maybe
one or two known anti-semites have joined the wagon, but that
doesn't prove anything. The fact is that Israel wants to be immune
from any criticism. And the shield it uses is always anti-semitism.
Thirdly, and most important, one should
differentiate between Zionism and Judaism. By now we can see after
60 years the implementations of the Zionist ideology on the ground
from the Palestinian point of view.
This ideology may have done some good
things for Jews around the world, but it is definitely something
that does not allow the Palestinians to live in peace or even
to live at all on their homeland, and this is Zionism. It has
some connection to Judaism, but its not about Judaism. It's about
a certain colonial ideology that still, in the 21st century, is
ascribed to by a state which is an unfinished project. The State
of Israel has not been built properly. As you know, we don't even
have final borders.
I think it's very important to educate
people that this is not a Jewish question that we are dealing
with; we are dealing with a certain relic of the colonial period
that is still allowed to continue in a post-colonial situation.
And as long as it continues as it does, [it] complicates the relationship
between the Western world and the Arab world and the Muslim world.
CB: On November 7th the Democratic Party
won elections that will allow them to control the Congress of
the United States. The Democrats have been critical of the Bush
administration's policies regarding the handling of the Iraq war.
But the party has reiterated that the relationship between the
U.S. and Israel would not change. Is this policy the best course
of action for both countries, much less the Palestinians?
IP: Well, the results of the mid-term
elections are good news from many aspects for the American public.
But I don't think [the elections] bring any good news to this
part of the world. In other words, I don't think that the shift
in the balance of power in both houses would change American policy
towards Palestine. It may change, and it should change of course,
American policy in Iraq. But I think the Democratic Party is as
committed to protecting Israel at the expense of the Palestinians
as was the Republican administration. I don't think that in the
foreseeable future we are going to see any fundamental change
in American policy towards Israel.
You ask whether it should. Of course it
should. It should because if [the Democratic Party] is loyal to
the new perspective it brings to American politics -- the idea
that Americans should have some inhibitions in international behavior,
that the use of force in Iraq was wrong, and that there is a problem
with the American image and standing in the world -- if indeed
this is the message of the Democrats to American politics, then
I think they should pay attention to fact that the Americans'
standing and position in the world is not only affected not by
the invasion of Iraq, but also the unconditional support that
America gives to Israel at the expense of the Palestinians.
I think that they should realize that
only in a change in the attitude towards Israel and a much more
honest brokerage of the conflict can really bring constructive
change in the relationship between the United States and the Arab
world; the Muslim world is, after all, one quarter of the world's
CB: Peace Now [an Israeli Peace organization],
has found that approximately 40 percent of the settlements, including
long-standing communities, are built on private Palestinian land
and not on state-owned land. Peace Now was given this information
from a source inside the Civil Administration who wanted to expose
the wide-scale violations of private Palestinian property rights
by the government and the settlers. Do you believe that there
are more in the government who disagree with the treatment of
the Palestinians and are willing to speak out?
IP: Maybe there are more but I believe
that this is not enough. This kind of criticism by Peace Now about
the piece of information that they leaked to us is very important.
But don't forget for one moment any square inch that has been
taken by Israel is an illegal occupation, not only the 40 percent
that was private land.
It may be a starker violation but the
whole Israeli presence there is a violation of human rights and
civil rights. What is needed is much more than this kind of criticism.
The problem in Israel is [that] between Peace Now [and Avigdor]
Lieberman, contrary to what people are saying, there isn't that
much of an ideological distance. It's a tactical question of how
best to ensure a Jewish state with a vast demographic majority
is not exclusive.
Lieberman says, let's take any territory
we need and achieve that goal by downsizing the number of Arabs
living there. Peace Now says, no, let's take less land and downsize
the land rather than the population and then we can have the coveted
exclusive supremacist state. Both positions are morally and politically
wrong and unacceptable because at the end of the day you have
20 percent to 30 percent of [Israel's population comprised of]
Palestinians, even in the smallest state that Peace Now covets
and Peace Now is not willing to see them as equal citizens.
And people, even in Peace Now, would put
the idea of a Jewish state above any other failure, democratic
or liberal. So I think that even if I would have found in the
government or the administration people who want a cleaner mode
of occupation, a more legitimized occupation, I would of course
welcome it. But I'm warning [that] we've been there before. These
people have even been in government and they didn't make any change
because the reason for the ongoing conflict between Israel/Palestine
is not because Israel occupies parts of the West Bank and Gaza
and is not willing to give them back. The reason we have the conflict
is the Zionist ideology. This is where it starts and this is where
it ends. As long as the vast majority of Jews in Israel subscribes
this ideology in its present interpretation, I'm afraid we will
not see peace and reconciliation coming to this land.
CB: Finally, Ilan Pappe, what can people
who hope for the security of both the Israelis and Palestinians
IP: Well I think everybody has his or
her role to play, especially people who care; either those that
belong to Israel-Palestine or care about Israel/Palestine. I think
the Palestinians have their role of resistance; the progressive
forces inside Israel continue to try and educate and change the
point of view of their compatriots.
But society outside has to play the same
role that the anti-Apartheid movement played in the West during
the heyday of Apartheid. We need a strong lobby inside the western
world -- especially in the United States, but also in Europe.
That [lobby] would send a very clear message to Israel that these
polices and ideologies are not acceptable, especially if you want
to be part of the democratic world, and we need you to change
your policy, the ideological nature of the state, and have a much
more democratic society on the ground.
Israel needs a wake-up call. Israelis
don't know that this is what the world thinks about them and I
think that civil societies around the world can be the alarm clock
for them, and they should be the alarm clock.
Christopher Brown is an independent grassroots
journalist living in San Francisco, CA. He has a blog on Palestine
at www.cbgonzo.blogspot.com.
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