Instant Runoff Voting:
Majority Rule, Maximum Choice

The United States has one advantage in having its plurality
voting system falter years after other democracies with plurality
voting have had problems. These nations have had years of debate
on what steps could be taken -- a debate we should catch up on
quickly. The United States also has an advantage in that, unlike
these countries, it has a federal system with fifty states that
can enact changes on their own, even for presidential elections
in their state.
We strongly recommend the instant runoff voting system for
presidential elections. Used to elect Australia's parliament since
the 1920s, used to elect the Irish presidency and advocated by
many in the United Kingdom, instant runoff voting (also called
"the alternative vote" and "majority preference
voting") has the twin benefits of better assuring majority
rule (at least within states) and promoting increased voter choice
-- and thus participation -- in elections.
Designed to produce majority winners, instant runoff voting
(IRV) allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference
rather than simply "x" vote for one. This simple provision
for "voter literacy" -- few voters would have difficulty
marking a "1" next to a first choice, a "2"
next to a second choice and so on -- allows a different method
of tabulating results. Rather than the winner being whoever has
the most first-place votes -- the current approach -- a candidate
would need a majority of over 50% to win. If no candidate obtains
a majority of first-place votes, then the last-place candidate
is defeated, and, just as if there were a run-off election, the
ballots for that candidate are transferred to the next candidate
listed on these ballots. This transfer of ballots from last-place
candidates continues until only one candidate remains or gains
If IRV had been used in 1992, Bill Clinton almost certainly
still would have won the presidency, as exit polls showed that
Ross Perot voters were evenly split between George Bush and Clinton.
But Clinton would have had the increased legitimacy of being a
majority president rather than a plurality winner with 43%, and
Perot would have had a greater chance to win -- and perhaps faced
a correspondingly increased level of scrutiny on his proposed
Having IRV in 1996 would reverse much conventional political
wisdom. Independent candidacies by Ross Perot, Colin Powell or
Pat Buchanan would not fracture the opposition to Clinton -- there
would be no more rumors of Clinton consultant Dick Morris helping
Ross Perot's Independence Party gain ballot status. Instead, the
vote in opposition to Clinton would coalesce behind the strongest
of the opposition candidates. Similarly, a Jesse Jackson candidacy
would help Clinton rather than hurt him. Jackson supporters on
the left would be more inspired to vote, but likely would list
Clinton as their second choice, where their vote would go if Jackson
did not finish ahead of Clinton in a particular state.
Instant runoff voting as a result encourages candidacies for
citizens who feel left out by the limitations of the current system.
It provides them with a greater reason to vote and, if they choose
to vote, an increased chance to have their vote count toward a
winner. By opening the field to more choices -- an increase that
polls show a majority of Americans would welcome -- IRV could
lift our voter turnout, which now is among the lowest in the world.
The 1992 elections provide good evidence of the positive impact
more candidacies have on turnout. With Ross Perot on the ballot,
voter participation rose in 49 out of 50 states. Furthermore,
while the average increase in voter turnout was 5% around the
nation, its average rise was 8% in the 10 states where Perot gained
his highest percentages of the vote.
Although politicians may be resistant to pursue reform before
absolutely necessary, they would be foolhardy to risk electoral
disaster in 1996 without at least studying proposed changes. Fortunately,
a mechanism may indeed exist to study IRV on a national level,
as House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senate Majority Leader Bob
Dole have begun steps toward formation of a powerful electoral
reform commission. In addition, the Republican presidential primaries
may provide a stark demonstration of the haphazard nature of plurality
voting, as most states will allocate Republican convention delegates
by "plurality takes all" primaries.
Regardless of action at the federal level, states can lead
the way on presidential election reform. Article II, Section 1
of the Constitution explicitly gives states the power to determine
the manner of choosing presidential electors. Thus, unlike abolition
of the electoral college, which requires constitutional change,
legislatures could institute the IRV for presidential elections
(as well as for statewide offices) immediately. The only barrier
is that some states might need to find new ways to tabulate ballots,
but such one-time changes would be a small price to pay in exchange
for providing for majority rule and for a more engaged electorate
in what promises to be a watershed election in our nation's history.