1976 Censored
Foreign Policy News Stories
Project Censored

Jimmy Carter and the Trilateral Commission (TLC)
SYNOPSIS: In the election year of 1976, Jimmy Carter ran a
successful campaign for the presidency which was based on his
image as an "outside-of-the-Beltway," peanut-farming,
ex-governor of the state of Georgia.
Yet, since the fall of 1973, Carter had been associated with
David Rockefeller and other members of an international power
elite through his association with the Trilateral Commission (TLC).
The TLC, one of Rockefeller's many policy-making organizations,
is an alliance of several hundred top political and economic leaders
from North America, Japan, and Western Europe. Their aim is to
explore common problems facing the three areas and to advise political
leaders of possible solutions.
While this side of Carter's background was almost totally
ignored by the mass media, the American public was fully informed
about his peanut farming activities, the Playboy (lusting in his
heart) interview, and Amy's lemonade stand.
According to the Italian publication Europa, as cited in The
Review of the News, Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a founding
director of the Trilateral Commission, had agreed on Carter's
potential as our next president as far back as 1970.
Supportive of Carter's close relationship with this little-known
power elite is the fact that many members of his administration
were drawn from the membership rolls of the TLC. Carter's personal
choice for vice president, Walter Mondale, was also a member of
the TLC.
In 1976, there was a virtual blackout of media information
available to the public concerning the relationships between Jimmy
Carter, David Rockefeller, and the Trilateral Commission.
UPDATE: Twenty years after ultra conservatives were yelling
about one world conspiracies being promulgated by the Trilateral
Commission (TLC) and its predecessor, the Council on Foreign Relations,
both organizations are still alive and well and headquartered
in New York City. And while the CBS Evening News did a segment
on the TLC on May 2, 1995, discrediting it as an issue fostered
only by reactionary right wing groups such as the Liberty Lobby,
it still hasn't attracted the attention of most of the other main
stream media.
Instead, the Trilateral Commission has taken on something
of a kooky image like that of the Bilderbergers, a very secretive
international organization of powerful elites similar to the TLC,
but one which also has members from Eastern Europe, Northern Africa,
Turkey, and Greece. Not surprisingly, the most strident criticism
of the TLC still comes from the ultra right which sees it as promoting
a one world system of government. For example, Glen Donnelson,
of North Ogden, Utah, founder and chairman of the conservative
Constitutional Forum, accused President Bill Clinton of taking
orders from the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign
Relations and secretly signing an executive order in 1995 placing
all U.S. military forces under the control of the United Nations.
This, of course, didn't happen (The Salt Lake Tribune, 1/21/96).
For those who want to discover more for themselves, the U.S.
head quarters of the Trilateral Commission is located at 345 East
46th Street, Suite 711, New York, NY 10017; phone 212/661-1180;
fax 212/949-7268. For additional sources on the Internet, Alta
Vista provides sites for information on members of groups "who
are gradually taking over the world under their 'New World Order."'
including the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull
& Bones Society, as well as the Trilateral Commission.
Selling Banned Pesticides and Drugs to Third World Countries
SYNOPSIS: According to a conservative estimate by the World
Health Organization, some 500,000 people, the majority of them
in Third World countries are poisoned yearly by banned pesticides
and drugs.
Besides poisonings, a rash of miscarriages and birth defects
have been attributed to certain banned herbicides. Although these
chemicals are banned for use in the United States, domestic drug
manufacturing corporations continue to produce and export them
to foreign countries.
Drugs never approved by the Food and Drug Administration,
and even some never tested, are marketed and sold in some Third
World countries. Moreover, they are shipped to countries that
have minimal or no drug controls or regulations despite the fact
that the products are known to be dangerous.
What the peoples of those countries are being subjected to,
and what the U.S. drug and chemical manufacturers are doing there,
goes virtually unnoticed and unreported in this country.
UPDATE: By-passing national bans and restrictions, U.S. corporations
are still exporting huge quantities of hazardous pesticides to
Third World countries according to U.S. Customs records, as reported
by Inter Press Service (12/7/95).
The Los Angeles-based Foundation for Advancement in Science
an(l Education, an independent environmental research organization
investigating pesticides, obtained the customs records which indicate
that the United States exported at least 58 million pounds of
the pesticides to more than 12 countries during the 1991-1994
The customs records document up to 30 shipments of hazardous
pesticides totaling 11 million pounds to countries where they
are officially banned.
Countries importing hazardous pesticides include the Republic
of Korea, Singapore, the Netherlands, India, Zimbabwe, Australia,
Costa Rica, Israel, Thailand, El Salvador, Brazil, Japan, and
Lori Ann Thropp, a senior researcher at the World Resource
Institute's Center for International Development and Environment,
said that "an increasing number of people are suffering acute
poisonings and chronic damage" because government agencies
and pesticide firms in developing countries seldom provide sufficient
information and precautions.