1993 Censored
Foreign Policy News Stories
Project Censored

Why Are We Really In Somalia?
SYNOPSIS: Investigative authors Rory Cox, in Propaganda Review,
and Jim Naureckas, in EXTRA!, wondered whether the decision to
send U.S. troops to Somalia was based more on potential oil reserves
there than on the tragic images of starving Somalis that dominated
major media out lets in late 1992 and 1993.
The U.S./UN military involvement in Somalia began in mid-November
1992, but it wasn't until January 18, 1993, two days before George
Bush left office, that a major media outlet, the Los Angeles Times,
published an article that revealed America's oil connection with
Times staff writer Mark Fineman started his Mogadishu-datelined
article with, "Far beneath the surface of the tragic drama
of Somalia, four major U.S. oil companies are quietly sitting
on a prospective fortune in exclusive concessions to explore and
exploit tens of millions of acres of the Somali countryside. That
land, in the opinion of geologists and industry sources, could
yield significant amounts of oil and natural gas if the U.S. led
military mission can restore peace to the impoverished East African
According to Fineman, nearly two-thirds of Somalia was allocated
to the American oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron, and Phillips
before Somalia's pro-U.S. President Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown.
The U.S. oil companies are "well positioned to pursue Somalia's
most promising potential oil reserves the moment the nation is
Oil industry spokesmen, along with Bush/Clinton Administration
spokespersons, deny these allegations as "absurd" and
"nonsense." However, Thomas E. O'Connor, the principal
petroleum engineer for the World Bank, who headed an in-depth
three-year study of oil prospects off Somalia's northern coast,
said, "There's no doubt there's oil there...It's got high
(commercial) potential...once the Somalis get their act together."
UPDATE: Somalia has been torn apart by clan fighting since
1991 when dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown. In mid-November
1992, the United States launched Operation Restore Hope with the
avowed purpose to find and expel faction leader Mohamed Farah
Aidid, in an effort to bring peace to the nation. Instead, in
a media-sensationalized night invasion, U.S. Marines went ashore
in Somalia on February 28,1995, to protect final withdrawal of
U.N. forces after the failed mission which cost $2 billion and
the lives of 140 American and U.N. peacekeepers. Aidid died shortly
after a gun battle in late July 1996 and two of his archrivals
announced unilateral cease-fires (Associated Press,8/3/96). The
cease-fire lasted until September 16, when one of the faction
leaders called an end to the agreement and fighting resumed (Orange
County Register, 9117196). Jane's Intelligence Review (10/1/96)
concluded: "Peace will not come to Somalia until a leadership
emerges that is perceivably working for all Somalis from whatever
clan." And so the oil companies bide their time until the
"Somalis get their act together," as one oil company
spokesman said above.
Haiti Drugs, Thugs, and the CIA
SYNOPSIS: More than 4,000 civilians in Haiti have been killed
since the 1991 bloody military coup that ousted duly-elected President
Jean Bertrand Aristide. But few Americans are aware of our secret
involvement in Haitian politics.
Some of the high military officials involved in the coup have
been on the CIA's payroll from "the mid-1980s at least until
the 1991 coup." Further, the CIA "tried to intervene
in Haiti's election with a covert action program that would have
undercut the political strength" of Aristide. The aborted
attempt to influence the 1988 election was authorized by then-President
Ronald Reagan and the National Security Council. The program was
blocked by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in a rare
Next, a confidential Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) report
revealed that Haiti is "a major transshipment point for cocaine
traffickers" who are funneling drugs from Colombia and the
Dominican Republic into the United States .
According to Patrick Elie, who was Aristide's anti-drug czar,
Haitian police chief Lt. Col. Michel Francois is at the center
of the drug trade. Francois' "attaches" reportedly have
been responsible for a large number of murders and violence since
the coup. Elie said he was constantly rebuffed by the CIA when
he tried to alert it to the military's drug trafficking. Elie
also reported how the CIA-created Haitian National Intelligence
Service (NIS)- supposedly created to combat drugs-was actually
involved with narcotics trafficking, and "functioned as a
political intimidation and assassination squad."
UPDATE: On October 17, 1994, Time magazine revealed that Emmanuel
"Toto" Constant, head of the FRAPH, a brutal gang of
Haitian thugs known for murder, torture, and beatings, was on
the payroll of both the CIA and the U.S. Defense Intelligence
Agency. The New York Times reported (12/3/95) that Constant himself
had confirmed he was a paid agent of the CIA. An American force
of 20,000 threw out the Haitian military junta in September 1994
and paved the way for the return of Aristide in October. While
the American force is long gone, U.N. peacekeepers, paid for by
the United States, remain in Haiti (Christian Science Monitor,
9/4/96). Ironically, investigative reporter Allan Nairn revealed
the "U.S. military intelligence and the CIA are still, to
this day, continuing their secret work with the repressive paramilitary
organization known as FRAPH" (The Nation, 1/8/96).