Chavez On The Offensive
by Calvin Tucker
Z magazine, March 2003

It is one of life's little ironies that
the impending reopening of that symbol of American capitalism,
McDonalds, which is still on " strike" against the Venezuelan
government, will be hailed as a victory for President Chavez and
the Bolivarian Revolution. But perhaps we should not be too surprised.
This is, after all, the country where everything seems the wrong
way round and language is being continually reinvented. In Venezuela,
the word "democracy" has come to mean the overthrow
of the elected president. Bosses organize the strikes and corrupt
union leaders complain about the government defending workers'
legal rights. The military, armed with cement mixers and bricks,
invades shantytowns to build houses, not to destroy them.
In the midst of this struggle, Hugo Chavez
is busy banging the last nails into the coffin of a collapsing
two-month-old strike of managers in the state-owned oil company,
the PDVSA. The strike is a showdown between the right-wing opposition
and the government over the control of the country's vast oil
reserves, which provide Venezuela with two-thirds of its export
earnings. Wresting control of the PDVSA from the old pro-American
management, who had run it as a personal fiefdom and favored privatization,
is seen as pivotal to Chavez's ability to deliver on his promises
of homes, health, and education for the poor. Just as the failure
of April's coup allowed Chavez to purge the military of right-wing
generals, the slow defeat of the strike in the PDVSA, has provided
Chavez with the opportunity to dismiss 5,000 anti-government executives
and saboteurs, and press ahead with the long overdue reform.
Thus far, the Venezuelan opposition's
tactics bear a remarkable similarity to those that successfully
overthrew Salvador Allende's government in Chile in 1973 and that
led to Michael Manley's defeat at the ballot box in Jamaica in
In each case, there was a sustained and
organized attack on the legitimacy of the government led by the
big business-owned media monopoly. Each of the country's leaders
was subjected to a campaign of character assassination and labeled
a tyrant, a liar, and an incompetent. The government was declared
"undemocratic" and "Communist" and lies and
misrepresentations abounded. In turn, this created an atmosphere
in which political violence would be seen as aimed not at the
destruction of democracy, but at its preservation. Economic destabilization
then followed, which included the flight of capital abroad. ]
In all three cases, the government was accused of taking orders
From Fidel Castro and of hiding thousands of Cuban troops in the
country. Each leader was also accused of arming terrorists. In
Allende's case, it was communist guerrillas. In Manley's case,
the PLO. In Chavez's case, FARC and al Qaeda. In Chile, the coup
was preceded by an employers' strike. In Jamaica, Manley's election
defeat was preceded by an employers' strike. In Venezuela, last
April's coup was preceded by an employers' strike.
At the time the United States issued categorical
denials that the CIA was behind the destabilization and coups
or had ever financed and advised government opponents. They later
admitted their intimate involvement in the Chilean coup, but only
after the evidence became so overwhelming it couldn't be denied.
Chavez has learned the lessons of Chile and Jamaica. First, he
has secured his base in the military, making another coup attempt
a near impossibility. Second, he has set up over 130,000 grass-roots
neighborhood organizations in the slums, called Bolivarian Circles.
These are self-help groups of between 7 and 13 persons, which
represent and organize the local population and act as a communication
channel between the populace and the government. The opposition
claims that it is heavily armed. Third, providing the government
defeats the oil executives strike, Chavez will have access to
a steady and reliable source of hard currency revenue with which
he can continue to finance social programs for the working class
and poor. The opposition's media monopoly, which includes three
of the four TV stations and all the national papers, remains Chavez's
biggest obstacle and the opposition's greatest strength. Recently
legal documents were served on the private TV stations, threatening
them with closure if they continued to undermine the constitutional
legitimacy of the government and participate in attempts to overthrow
it. The opposition, having played the cards of military coup and
economic destabilization, are looking increasingly boxed in. The
United States, currently preoccupied with the Middle East and
still smarting from the embarrassment of having recognized last
April's short-lived coup, has been forced to declare that it wouldn't
recognize another dictatorship or directly intervene.
Provided that remains the U.S. position,
the opposition is left with elections as the only viable means
of unseating Chavez. Under the Constitution, a binding referendum
on Chavez's presidency may be held in August, which is the mid
point of his six-year term. However, the opposition must first
collect the verified signatures of at least 20 percent of registered
electors. To unseat the president, the opposition must not only
win the referendum, but also attract a larger number of actual
votes than Chavez received when he was elected in 2000 with 56
percent support. The opposition is not confident they can reach
this target, hence their strategy to force out the president by
alternative means. Their problems are further compounded by internal
division and lack of a clear position. Some leaders are calling
for an end to the crumbling business strike, others are calling
for it to be strengthened. A group of disgraced former army generals
is demanding the assassination of the president, while more moderate
voices are calling for negotiations.
In public, the "opposition"
is trying to put on a brave face. They point to opinion polls
that allegedly show a majority against the government. But opinion
polls, even legitimate ones-which the Venezuelan versions are
not-often understate the support for an incumbent President because
voters are more inclined to express their dissatisfaction when
the choice is abstract.
The battle for public opinion appears
to be moving in the Chavez government's favor. In January, up
to a million mainly indigenous Venezuelans from the city slums
and the countryside marched through the capital, Caracas, in a
huge show of support for the government. The opposition's counter
demonstration, held a few days later, attracted only about 70,000
mostly white middle class people. This was significantly down
on previous figures .
Opposition leaders are now admitting that
they are facing a backlash from workers, particularly from those
who have lost their jobs as a result of bankruptcies brought about
by the business strike. At the gas stations, irate motorists queuing
for scarce petrol are no longer heard blaming the government for
the shortages. In some parts of the country, car stickers are
appearing, saying, "Opposition supporter turned Chavista."
Calvin Tucker writes on British and international
issues for the British monthly Straight Left.
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