The U.S. Military is in Danger of Going to War
on the Wrong Side
by Jonathan Power, August 11, 1999
The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future
Research (Internet site)

MADRID- After Kosovo why not net Colombia, land of the drug
barons and 40 years of near continuous civil war? The rest of
the world may drop its jaw at the idea of Nato troops being sent
to pacify leftist guerrilla groups, army-backed, fascist-inclined
paramilitaries and the world's most ruthless drug cartels. But
in Bogota, Colombia's capital, it is being touted by some as a
necessary solution. And if not Nato, at least the U.S. army.
Don't drop your jaw too far. For none less than the U.S. commander
in chief, Bill Clinton, said last month that vital American interests
were at stake in Colombia. It is "very much in our nationalsecurity
interests to do what we can". When a U.S. president uses
these code words it essentiallymeans that the backbone of the
U.S. military, intelligence and national security bodies has decidedthat,
if necessary, the U.S. is prepared to go to any lengths, even
war, to deal with the problem.If Clinton's statement was sparked
by the relatively trivial loss of a U.S. military reconnaissanceplane
flying over Colombia, it comes after a long period of slow-burning,
mounting frustration at theinability of successive Colombian governments
to get to grips with the armed gangs that threaten todestabilise
the government and with the country's narcotic dealers, who for
decades have been theprincipal suppliers of hard drugs on the
American market.
If U.S. intervention were likely to be even-handed perhaps
there could be an argument for it. Afterall Colombia is often
ehibit 1 for those who say, look what happens when the outside
worlddoesn't intervene: the local fires just burn brighter and
But "even-handed" does not appear in the current
leicon in the Pentagon's thinking on Colombia.Almost perversely,
the Clinton Administration seems to be ignoring what the New York
-basedHuman Rights Watch describes as "the root of these
abuses.... the Colombian army's consistentand pervasive failure
to ensure human rights standards and distinguish civilians from
combatants."Terrible violence is being inflicted both upon
each other and on civilian innocents by all three sidesin the
armed struggle. But by no stretch of the independent reporting
available, whether it be doneby Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International
or the very few outside journalists who have daredto risk their
lives studying the situation close up, can it be said that the
left wing guerrillas are themost vicious or the most responsible.
The clear concensus is that the army is in league with theright
wing paramilitaries who, in turn, are in league with the drug
mafia. It is they who consistentlyset the pace in assassinations,
organising death squads, inflicting torture and practisingwidespread
The army has not only failed to move against the rightist
paramilitaries in any significant way, it hastolerated their activity,
even providing some of them with intelligence and logistical support.
Onoccasion it has even coordinated joint maneuvers with them.
In a report last year the Bogota office of the United Nations
High Commission for Human Rightsobserved that "witnesses
frequently state that massacres were perpetuated by members of
thearmed forces passing themselves off as paramilitaries."
It is true that both the preceding government of Ernesto Samper
and the present, relatively newone, of Andres Pastrana have moved
to suspend or close down particular units, such as the army'snotorious
Twentieth Brigade. Yet offficers are rarely, if ever, prosecuted,
and some have even beenpromoted. Occasionally there is a dismissal.
"Defending human rights in Colombia is a dangerous profession",
says Susan Osnos of HumanRights Watch. Yet it continues to attract
unusually dedicated people. Last year when assassinsgunned down
the president of a human rights committee in his office in Medellin,
the drugtraffickers' home town, it was the fourth president to
be killed since 1987. But still someone hastaken his place.
The Clinton Administration's attempts to be even handed have
been derisory. It allows the StateDepartment to issue human rights
reports that are highly critical of the Colombian establishment,even,
in last year's report, acccusing the government of "tacit
acquiescence" of abuses. In May lastyear the U.S. revoked
the visa of one particularly corrupt and cruel general. Nevertheless,
the maindirection of the Clinton Administration is clear- increasing
levels of aid for the Colombian military,less strings attached
to how it is used and the deployment of CIA and Pentagon operatives
to workwith Colombian security force units that have not been
give a clean bill of health on human rightsabuses. Last year General
Charles Wilhelm, head of U.S. Southern Command, told a committee
ofthe U.S. Congress that criticism of military abuses was "unfair".
Now with the pace being set by U.S. General Barry Mc Caffrey,
the Administration's topanti-narcotics official, Washington is
giving more and more aid to the Colombian military,supposedly
for combating the drug menace, but in practice aimed disproportionately
at theleft-wing guerrillas. Already Colombia is the third largest
recipient of U.S. aid after Israel and Egypt.Washington's sense
of frustration is understandable. The left wing guerrillas have
not respondedwell to the significant steps taken towards them
by President Pastrana. But then nobody in theirright mind epected
the betrayals, bad memories and fears of 40 years of war to be
quickly set onone side by handshakes and face to face meetings.
But if the U.S., angry at the slow pace of eventsin Colombia,
allows itself to be drawn in it will be quite counterproductive.
It will simply give substance to all the marist twaddle that
has been talked for decades acrossLatin America by left wing intellectuals
and guerrillas about who really pulls the strings. And it willembolden
the Colombian army and its paramilitary allies to even worse excesses.
The path to peace in Colombia lies where it has long been-
in honest and humane governmentwithin the country and serious
moves by the world's largest drug consuming nation to pull the
rugfrom under the drug barons by amending its outdated and outmoded
laws on prohibition.
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America watch