Dissecting the Politics of Paraguay's
Next President
by April Howard and Benjamin Dangl
www.dissidentvoice.org/, April
16th, 2008

Fernando Lugo, a bearded, left-leaning
bishop is expected to win Paraguay's historic presidential election
on April 20th, upsetting a 60-year rule by the right wing Colorado
Party. While escaping the heat of the Paraguayan sun by sitting
in the shade of an orange tree, farmer union leader Tomas Zayas
explains, "If Lugo is elected, it will open a door for more
changes in the future, but that's all. We'll take what we can
As much of the rest of Latin America shifts
to the left, Paraguay remains a key ally of Washington, a human
rights nightmare and example of the amorphous and survivalist
qualities of the Latin American right. In the April 20th presidential
elections, Blanca Ovelar and Lino Oviedo, two representatives
of Paraguay's old right will come head to head with Fernando Lugo,
a new face, and possibly a new beginning for the Paraguayan left.
Former Education Minister Blanca Ovelar,
is carrying the torch of the 60-year rule of the Colorado, or
Red Party, and General Lino Oviedo- nicknamed the "Bonsai
horseman" for his short stature - is an ex-Colorado Party
member himself, and until recently was serving prison time for
an attempted coup. Alternately called "the Bishop of the
Poor" by his supporters, and "the Red Bishop" by
his right-wing opponents, Lugo is leading in the polls, and may
do the same in the elections - if he can out maneuver the gargantuan
resources and corrupt politics of his opponents.
Lugo: The Bishop of the Poor
Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez was
born in 1951. As a young man, he taught in a rural school district
which, according to reporter Andrew Nickson at Open Democracy,
"was so remote that he was able to escape the usual rule
that teachers had to be members of the Colorado Party."1
In 1977, Lugo was ordained as a Catholic priest, and worked as
a missionary in indigenous communities in Ecuador until 1982.
He then spent 10 years studying at the Vatican, at which time
he was appointed head of the Divine Word order in Paraguay. In
1994 he became the Bishop of the Paraguayan department of San
Pedro. Though Lugo was frequently away from Paraguay, he did not
avoid the repercussions of the Alfredo Stroessner dictatorship
and its conservative influence. In fact, three of Lugo's brothers
were exiled and the conservative Catholic hierarchy pressured
him to resign as bishop due to his support for landless families'
settlements on large estates owned by absent elites.
However, Lugo's resignation as bishop
also allowed him to realize his ambitions as a presidential contender.
On December 25, 2006, Lugo announced he would run for president
in the 2008 contest. As a candidate, he is riding the waves of
discontent of a population that's tired of Paraguayan business
as usual. After leading a march and rally in early 2006 protesting
the civil rights abuses committed by president Duarte Frutos,
his popularity rose.
At first, Lugo's candidacy was impeded
by the fact that the Vatican did not accept his resignation, which
allowed Colorado party members to claim that his candidacy would
be unconstitutional, as clergy members can't hold political office
in Paraguay. However, a legal team soon established that this
was not the case, and he has become "a disturbingly credible
threat to the Colorados."2
On September 17, 2007 Lugo created a seven
party opposition coalition called the Patriotic Alliance for Change
(APC), and on October 31, 2007, he registered himself as a presidential
candidate of the Christian Democrat Party (PDC) to participate
in the primaries of the opposition group which is a part of the
APC.3 Senator Juan Ramirez Montalbetti, a Lugo supporter, has
said that the election day of April 20, 2008 will be approached
as "a day of war" to protect votes in the face the maneuvers
in which "officialist" Colorados are experts.4
The Paraguayan Right
The current political landscape of the
Paraguayan right is shaped significantly by the 35-year dictatorial
rule of General Alfredo Stroessner, a mustachioed man described
by Graham Greene as looking like "the amiable well-fed host
of a Bavarian bierstube," who maintained power through a
mixture of brutal repression, corruption and cronyism. After 61
years, the Colorado Party, which Stroessner was a part of, has
had the longest continuous run in power of any political party
in the world.5
Stroessner's reign dominated the second
half of the last century in Paraguay, and casts a dark shadow
into this one. Originally elected in 1954 to fill a vacancy, Stroessner
was "re-elected" seven times through a state-of-siege
law in the constitution and with the aid of the military and the
Colorado Party. The Colorado Party had already ruled Paraguay
from 1947 until 1962, as a one-Party state in which all other
political parties were illegal.6 It also served in tandem as one
of the "twin pillars" supporting the Stroessner regime
(the other pillar being the military).7 Stroessner collaborated
with Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and the military junta
in Argentina to orchestrate a regional crackdown on political
opponents through a mixture of kidnapping, torture and murder.
In 1989, the transition to democracy pushed the hard-line Stronistas
out of power. Though a new constitution created in 1992 established
a democracy and new legal protections of rights, the Colorado
Party has continued its rule over Paraguay.
The Colorado Party's vast system of clientelism
- offering public jobs to people to gain political support - is
entirely reliant on state programs and public services. It is
effective because of the country's high unemployment rate: one
of citizens' few prospects for employment is through the Colorado
Party, whether in such positions as a road construction worker,
teacher or mayor. Though many citizens view the Party as corrupt
and ineffective, supporting it often means receiving a salary.
The Colorado Party employs some 200,000 people, 95% of whom are
members of the Party.8
Yet another Colorado Party Candidate,
Nicanor Duarte Frutos was elected president in 2003. The current
leader of the Colorado Party is president Nicanor Duarte Frutos,
who joined the Colorado Party when he was just 14.9 Duarte, a
fiery, gravel-voiced public speaker who styled himself a populist,
grassroots politician, campaigned in 2003 on promises to fight
crime and corruption and to create public works jobs. However,
during his presidency, rising crime and high-profile kidnappings
have drawn criticism.
In the middle of the current "pink
tide" of Latin American populist governments, Frutos allied
himself with the United States during the majority of his presidency.
According to the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Washington, with
its nightmares of a communist haven replaced by fears of terrorist
funding, has lavished Paraguay with democratization projects (read
military training), which have helped keep "the Brazilian
military at bay while effectively intimidating the armed peasant
groups into submission." Renewed cooperation has been felicitous
for the security self-interests of both parties, and promises
to continue. He signed an energy agreement with Chavez, and supports
the Bank of the South, the project for economic integration among
South American nations as pushed by Chavez.10 Duarte has made
populist gestures publicly, notably condemning "lawless capitalism"
in a UNESCO assembly.11
Recently, Duarte has cooled his relations
with Washington and warmed up to Caracas - if for no other reason
that, in Latin America, it's popular to do so.
The Red Queen and the Bonsai Horseman
In the current electoral field for the
presidential election, Lugo's opposition is represented by the
massive state and social apparatus of the Colorado Party, as well
as newer, right-wing opposition parties.
Ironically, the shift in economy from
public works and government spending to the booming agricultural
export business has eroded some support for the Colorado Party.
The newly strengthened left and the emergent new right are evidence
that, according to political analyst Milda Rivola, "Economic
times have changed The idea of the state as the country's biggest
employer no longer works," she said.12 That is exactly where
the interests that form the new right come into play.
"Bonsai horseman" General Lino
Oviedo, a former presidential hopeful is another representative
of the old right. Ironically, Oviedo originally rose to political
fame in Paraguay as an upholder of democratic values by participating
in the uprising that overthrew Stroessner. Yet after Oviedo disobeyed
a presidential order to step down as commander of the army in
April of 1996, he began to resemble the militaristic caudillo
of the past.
Oviedo, who left the Colorado Party in
2005, was until recently, exiled for his participation in a foiled
coup in 1996. Still popular however, Oviedo continues to be a
presidential contender, and was pardoned for his coup attempt
on October 30, 2007. This brought his National Union of Ethical
Citizens Party (UNACE) back in to the fray with all the symbolism
of a martyred military hero it can muster.13
Supported most loyally by extremely rich
and extremely poor constituents, Oviedo has campaigned stridently
against gays and, according to Uruguayan political analyst Raul
Zibechi, "threatens to defeat his opponents with 'vote-shots,'
with the same impetus he used in 1989 to defeat dictator Alfredo
Stroessner with 'gunshots.'"14
Oviedo is currently running as a lone-wolf,
in contrast to the momentum of alliances that supported Lugo as
a candidate. Oviedo recently said, "I just propose a government
program consensus regardless of alliancecoalition or whatever."
Very much the victim of this earlier comment, he promotes "a
judicial guarantee of public order," and says that whoever
wants to rule alone will be boycotted. When asked what country
model Paraguay must follow, Oviedo said with confident ambivalence,
"Neither Right nor Left nor center, but progress Neither
neoliberal nor populist, communist, nor authoritarian, but a legal
and democratic government, where neither the rich benefit off
the deterioration of the poor, nor the poor benefit off the deterioration
of the rich." He also promises a new constitution, and to
restructure the state government.15
New candidates have also entered the arena.
In lieu of Duarte's inability to run, Blanca Ovelar, a former
minister of education, is playing a new populist "Social
Democrat" face of the Colorado Party. Ovelar, who speaks
in a smooth professorial tone, proposes to use educational reform
to pull the country out of poverty. At a campaign rally for Colorado
Party presidential candidate Blanca Ovelar, journalist Charles
Lane met Colorado supporters wearing the signature red shirts.
One supporter said, "Our parents were Coloradoans, I was
born Colorado, and I will die Colorado." Ovelar's loyalty
to Duarte and the party have negatively affected her popularity.14
When asked if they were paid directly by the party, the Coloradoans
said no, but admitted to having other benefits. "I was twice
elected mayor and my wife has a job with the government,"
one responded. Elsewhere another supporter told the journalist
that the fastest route to the hospital is through the Colorado
In Paraguay, women make up 49.6 percent
of the population, yet only 10 percent of congressional seats
are held by women. Women were given the right to vote in 1961,
but the first woman to hold the position of minister was appointed
in 1989, and only 10 percent of the cabinet is presently made
up of women, one of the smallest percentages in Latin America.17
While Ovelar postures herself as "the first woman president
of Paraguay, breaking with the 'machista' tradition," her
appeal doesn't seem to resonate with Paraguayan women.
Angélica Cano, of Parlamento Mujer,
a political advocacy forum for women, told IPS News that the Colorado
Party is simply using Ovelar's gender as political capital: "When
a political project has run out of male representatives that can
sustain it, it calls in a woman to legitimize a model that is
already obsolete." According to Maggy Balbuena, of the rural
womens' organization CONAMURI, Ovelar "actually represents
60 years of domination by the Colorado Party, 60 years of poverty
and injustice. I think it would be very hard for her to reverse
that long history," Balbuena told IPS News, "and I don't
think she can change it all just because she's a woman."
Former Vice President Luis Castiglioni,
on the other hand, renounced his post to run as a closer ally
to Washington and the agricultural industry, and to push more
neoliberal plans.10 Castiglioni, who lost the Colorado Party primary,
as well as Ovelar, represent the new right wing of the Colorado
Party. According to Paraguayan sociologist Tomas Palau, in spite
of the differences between the parties of the new right, "their
goal is to continue operating with impunity and making huge profits."
A continuation of right-wing rule in any form is likely to be
disastrous for the country's human rights, environment and over
half of Paraguayans who live under the poverty line.18
Meanwhile, the left's main option in the
midst of this heavily right-wing election season is Fernando Lugo.
Lugo represents a wide coalition of opposition forces whose interests
probably don't coincide past the rejection of Colorado rule. Neither
experienced nor completely radical, Palau says Lugo is "more
befuddled than a yuppie in the middle of the jungle."
The New Right and Current Popular Struggles
in Paraguay
As the years passed since the Stroessner
era, new interests affecting electoral politics have pushed their
way into the Paraguayan landscape. According to Palau, powerful
interests in Paraguay can be summarized into four groups: 1) The
oligarchy (soy growers and cattle ranchers who depend on paramilitaries
to allow them to expand), 2) The narco-traffickers who pay off
politicians, 3) The lumpen business class that relies on international
trade and black market goods,8 and 4) the transnational corporations
that produce soy, cotton and sugar. The parties are simple transmitters
of those interests.19 In turn, these sectors create non-governmental
interest groups that can pressure conservative sectors likely
to do them favors. While non-governmental groups don't necessarily
present candidates, they are vocal proponents of the parties they
On the other hand, in the past twenty
years, campesino organizations including the Mesa Co-ordinadora
Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas (MCNOC) and the Federación
Nacional Campesina (FNC) have increased demands for reform of
the corrupt party favors of the Stroessner regimes' "land
reform." As Paraguayan farmers have found themselves increasingly
confronted by Brazilian farmers buying up land for industrial
agriculture and speculation, the movement has become more radical.1
The fastest growing sector of the sources
of power, and the one that has been and will likely continue to
be at the forefront of national and international political and
business interests and social conflict in the coming years is
the agrofuel industry. This "gold rush" - so-called
by the chief executive of Cargill - is sweeping over the once
diverse jungles and small farms of eastern Paraguay like a vast
and toxic genetically modified tsunami.
Paraguay is the world's fourth largest
exporter of soybeans, and soy production has increased exponentially
in recent years, reaching a record 6.5m tons in 2006-2007, due
to rising demand worldwide for meat and cattle feed, as well as
the booming agrofuels (also known as biodiesel) industry. As multinational
agro-producers gain more and more stake in the production of soy,
corn, wheat, sunflower and rapeseed in Paraguay, they too look
to both the old and the new right to protect their land, production
and trade interests.
Managing this gargantuan agro-industry
in Latin America are transnational seed and agro-chemical companies
including Monsanto, Pioneer, Syngenta, Dupont, Cargill, Archer
Daniels Midland (ADM) and Bunge. International financial institutions
and development banks have promoted and bankrolled the agro-export
of monoculture crops. The profits have united political and corporate
entities from Brazil, the US and Paraguay, and increased the importance
of Paraguay's cooperation with international business.
In Paraguay especially, the expansion
of the soy industry has occurred in tandem with violent oppression
of small farmers and indigenous communities who occupy the vast
land holdings of the wealthy. Most rural Paraguayans cultivate
diverse subsistence crops on small plots of ten to twenty hectares,
but do not have titles to their land or receive assistance from
the state.1 The Colorado Party administration has represented
the soy growers in this conflict by using the police and judicial
system to punish campesino leaders. To this effect, protests have
been criminalized, and campesino leaders have been linked to delinquency,
kidnappings and a supposed guerilla movement linked to the Colombian
FARC.20 A report compiled by the Paraguayan-based human rights
organization SERPAJ concluded "that with public forces in
its hands, the alliance of the Public Prosecutor, and the Supreme
Court as a guarantee of impunity, has created a campaign of massive
repression of the campesino sector, in order to facilitate and
guarantee the expansion of genetically modified soy in the country."21
Since the 1980s, national military and
paramilitary groups connected to large agribusinesses and landowners
have evicted almost 100,000 small farmers from their homes and
fields and forced the relocation of countless indigenous communities
in favor of soy fields. More than 100 campesino leaders have been
assassinated; only one of the cases was investigated, resulting
in the conviction of the assassin. In the same period, more than
2,000 others have faced trumped-up charges for their objections
to the industry.
The vast majority of Paraguayan farmers,
however, have been poisoned off their land either intentionally
or as a side effect of the more than 24 million liters of hazardous
pesticides dumped by soy cultivation in Paraguay every year. When
farmers saw their animals die, crops withering, families sickening
and wells contaminated, most packed up and moved to the city.22
The devastation caused by agro-industries
created some of the most grave human rights violations since Stroessner's
reign. Press reports say that when crops are fumigated "school
classes are often cancelled on days of crop spraying on the field
twenty meters away because the children faint from the smell."
Since 2002, the deaths of five small children in rural areas have
been documented.1
A report produced by the Committee of
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the United Nations stated
that "the expansion of the cultivation of soy has brought
with it the indiscriminate use of toxic pesticides, provoking
death and sickness in children and adults, contamination of water,
disappearance of ecosystems and damage to the traditional nutritional
resources of the communities."20 A social investigation carried
out last year found that, in the four departments where soy production
is the highest, 78% of families in rural communities near soy
fields showed a health problem caused by the frequent crop spraying
in the soy fields, 63% of which was due to contaminated water.19
As opposition to the soy industry builds
among farmers and human rights groups, presidential candidates
are posturing themselves either against soy expansion or in favor
of it. Lugo's promise of land reform addresses this issue.23,
(3-27-2008). Playing up the populist rhetoric of Colorado Party,
presidential candidate Blanca Ovelar has said that as president
she will change agro-legislation and fight against the development
of a "soy fatherland."24 At the same time, the majority
of Lugo's base is made up of farmers who have been hurt by the
industrial soy companies.
As the election nears, the Duarte administration
has made particularly vicious attacks on the political rights
of social organizations. In February and March of 2008, three
candidates of the Patriotic Socialist Alliance Party were arrested
for visiting land occupied by campesinos, a political leader of
the Tekojoja Popular Movement was assassinated under unclear circumstances,
and the media published articles about supposed guerrilla connections
to two campesino organizations with candidates in the upcoming
elections.20 According to a recent article in LaSojaMata.org written
by social analysts based in Paraguay, "As the election nears,
greater acts of violence and criminalization are generated against
critical sectors and the opposition."20
On Wednesday, April 9, a drive by shooting
seriously injured radio commentator Alfredo Avalos, and killed
his partner, Silvana Rodríguez.25 Avalos is a leader in
the leftist movement Tekojoja, which is part of the coalition
supporting Lugo. The attack took place in the town Curuguaty in
the Canindeyúby state which is 250km northeast of the capital,
Asunción. Journalist Dawn Paley wrote that the Paraguayan
news outlet Jaku'éke explained "death threats to the
Alliance Campaign are being followed through."26 Lugo told
Reuters27 that this violence was "in keeping with the fear
campaign led by those who are afraid of losing power." Paley
reported that Carrillo Iramain, an organizer in Canindeyúby,
said "there are constant telephone messages, indirect messages
and direct threats happening in these final days [before the elections].
This is an area where fear rules." According to Reuters,
this is the second politically motivated murder of a Tekojoja
organizer in two months.28
Lugo's Proposals Rattle Colorado Rule
Lugo has recently promised to implement
land reform, fight corruption and the conservative forces of the
Colorado Party.29 The presidential contender has also pledged
to renegotiate the treaty of Itaipu, the biggest plant for hydroelectric
power in the world, producing 20% of Brazil's electricity. This
renegotiation plan would secure more of the massive financial
and electric bounty of this project for Paraguay rather than primarily
benefiting Brazil. If Brazil refuses to negotiate for better terms
for Paraguay, Lugo has promised to take the case to the International
Court of Justice. Analyst Raul Zibechi points out that though
Lugo may win the presidency, his political bloc may gain only
a minority in Congress with the Colorado Party having the majority.14
Lugo has also campaigned on a platform
that allies itself with the poor majority of the country. He was
quoted in Open Democracy as saying, "There are too many differences
between the small group of 500 families who live with a first-world
standard of living while the great majority live in a poverty
that borders on misery." Indeed, his alliances with the Catholic
Church may be a key to broad support as the institution is viewed
as clean of the rampant corruption in the country.1
He also aligns himself closer to leftist
presidents like Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales than his opponents,
and is more anti-imperialist at least in his rhetoric. The Council
on Hemispheric Affairs quoted Lugo as saying, "Paraguay is
feeling the new winds growing across the region."30 Similarly,
author Richard Gott points out that a victory for Lugo in Paraguay,
"will signal that the new mood in Latin America is not just
the creation of a competent economist in Ecuador, a charismatic
colonel in Venezuela, or a couple of union leaders in Brazil and
Bolivia, but the result of a heartfelt and deep-rooted desire
for change."31
On March 24, Lugo told Paraguayan newspaper
ABC Color that as president he would be against a free trade agreement
with the US: "I would rather try to keep deepening regional
integration through adhesion and work with the South Common Market
(MERCOSUR)." He also advocated for agrarian reform, saying,
"Every Paraguayan citizen has the right to be settled on
his own land."
Lugo: A Step in the Right Direction
While Fernando Lugo is the only candidate
that represents change from the Colorado regime, for many Paraguayans
he is at most a step in the right direction, and does not represent
a new face in the pantheon of leftist leaders being elected across
the continent. As a centrist, Lugo finds himself in the perhaps
uncomfortable position of being a radical alternative to the 60
year Colorado rule. Lugo is evidence that to be considered a "leftist"
in Paraguay only requires having political views that are "less
Though many see Lugo as someone who has
experience with rural social conflicts and connections with the
campesino movement, it would be a mistake to see him (as many
on the right do) as "the red bishop," a radical heir
to the liberation theology movement. In fact, when Oviedo's popularity
was on the rise last September, Lugo even said he could work with
Oviedo as a vice president, or vice versa.
Lugo has been careful to distance himself
from leaders who have used natural resources to fund new government
programs. "Paraguay," he says " cannot be like
Venezuela because it has no oil. Nor can it be like Bolivia because
it has no natural gas and it can't be like Chile because it has
no copper." Pragmatic as his assessment may be, Lugo doesn't
seem to think nor desire that Paraguay's government can be like
that of these countries either. Lugo has taken pains to maintain
a friendly distance from Caracas, and has not used anti-Washington
rhetoric to stir up his supporters. Though Lugo praised the social
aspect of Chavez's government, he criticized the "strong
dose of statism, totally at the service of one person which is
dangerous for a real democracy."
In terms of economic changes, Lugo seems
unlikely to cause too many ripples. In fact, in a distinctly Paraguayan
fashion, caving in to Washington's pressure to privatize resources
and public services could be in Lugo's, and the new right's, agenda.
The clientilism of the Colorado Party relies almost entirely on
the state, and is therefore in opposition to neoliberal policies
favoring corporate control of services. Unlike other countries
in the region where neoliberalism has flourished, many Paraguayan
roads, water and electricity systems remain under state control.
Right-wing proponents of neoliberalism advocate corporate control
of public services and further deregulation of the economy. This
large, cumbersome political apparatus could be the Colorado Party's
downfall, as splits within threaten to kill the old, statist right.32
However, Lugo has also seen no conflict
in Chilean president Michelle Bachelet's Socialist government
signing a free-trade agreement with the United States. During
a visit to Washington on June 18, 2007 Lugo gave a speech at George
Washington University titled "Political Alternatives to the
World's Longest Ruling Party." The Council on Hemispheric
Affairs reported that "What Lugo seems to be saying is that
he wants access to the U.S. market, as well as to be a beneficiary
of Chávez's now well known generosity."
On the other hand, if Lugo does win, there
is no guarantee that he would be able to make any changes. If
he wins the April 20 election, he will not take office until August;
plenty of time for the defeated Colorados to strategize on how
to use their likely congressional majority to their benefit. This
would allow plenty of time, too, for Lugo's aggregate political
alliance of socialists, farmer and indigenous groups, liberals
and ex-Colorados to crumble into in-fighting.
Count Down to the Election
An April 9th election poll published in
the Paraguayan newspaper ABC Color, and conducted by First Análisis
y Estudios, showed that Lugo is in the lead with 33.6% support
of those polled. Oviedo came in second with 27.4%, Blance Ovelar
in third with 24.6%. Current president Nicanor Duarte won the
2003 election with 37.1% of the votes.33
As Lugo leads in the polls right now,
the Colorado Party is deeply worried. If the opposition wins,
Duarte has said he believes the Coloradoans will be "chased
down as the Jews were in the time of Hitler," which is ironic
in light of the Colorado Party's alliance with the axis during
World War II. As political analyst Marcelo Lacchi puts it, "For
the first time in 20 years, the Colorados are facing the possibility
of losing and they're worried." The party is abysmally divided
between Oviedo, Ovelar and even Lugo with the election rapidly
approaching. Yet, Lacchi reminds us, similar divisions were in
place in the 1998 elections, and the results were the re-unification
of the party and a Colorado win. "There is still a large
part of Colorado voters who haven't been captivated and mobilised,"
he said.12
The Colorado Party has never lost a presidential
election, and once the usual tools of employment, bribes and threats
are in place, things could look very different. However, writes
Zibechi, if the Colorado Party apparatus can't be set in motion,
it's possible that this election could be different. He points
out that "the crisis within the Party, the enormous unpopularity
of Duarte, and the appearance on the scene of a center-left candidate
who can break the eternal two-party split between the Red and
the Liberal Parties" as three reasons to expect the unexpected
in this historic election.14
For more information, see "New Versus
Old Right in Paraguay's Elections" by the same authors in
the January/February issue of NACLA Report on the Americas and
"Paraguay's Peculiar Politics" by Teo Ballvé,
editor of Nacla News.
0. Nickson, Andrew. "Paraguay: Fernando
Lugo vs the Colorado machine." Open Democracy (02-28-2008).
# # # # #
0. Schaeffer, Jenna. "Is Paraguay Set to be the Next Latin
American Country to Lean to the Left?" Council on Hemispheric
Affairs (06-29-2007). #
0. "Lugo se postula por la Democracia Cristiana" ABC
Color. #
0. "Opposition Opens Space for Debate in Paraguay."
Prensa Latina. (11-07-08). #
0. Gimlette, John. At The Tomb of the Inflatable Pig. Knopf (01-06-2004).
0. "Paraguay: Opposition Parties." Library of Congress
Studies. (1988). #
0. "The Twin Pillars of the Stroessner Regime." Library
of Congress Studies (1988). #
0. Zibechi, Raúl. "Paraguay's Hour of Change."
IRC Americas Program. (09-24-2007). # #
0. "Country Profile: Paraguay." BBC (03-01-2008). #
0. Stefanoni, Pablo. "¿Fin de época en Paraguay?:
Entre la esperanza y el escepticismo." Yacaré (06-2007).
# #
0. "Nicanor condena el "capitalismo desaforado"
en asamblea de UNESCO." ABC Color. #
0. "Paraguay rulers face election fight." www.tvnz.co.nz
(3-29-2008). # #
0. Plummer, Robert, "Profile: Lino Oviedo", BBC News,
(6-28-2004). #
0. Zibechi, Raúl. "Paraguay: Elections, Yellow Fever,
and a Meddling Ambassador." IRC Americas Program (3-13-2008).
# # # #
0. Lino Oviedo Website and ABC Color. #
0. Lane, Charles. "I was born Colorado, and I will die Colorado."
Pulitzer Center, The Soy Bean Wars, (8-17-2007) #
0. Vargas, David. "Elections-Paraguay: Women Unimpressed
by Female Candidate." IPS News, (4-10-2008). #
0. Machain, Andrea "Paraguay president full of promises."
BBC News, (8-16-2003). #
0. Interview with Tomas Palau. # #
0. Marco Castillo, Regina Kretschmer, Javiera Rulli, Gaby Schwartzmann.
"Paraguay: Campesino Leader Charged For Confronting Crop
Spraying." LaSojamata.org, (3-27-2008). # # # #
0. Misión internacional de observación al Paraguay,
Informe 2006, p. 6; SERPAJ Paraguay. #
0. Howard, April and Dangl, Benjamin "The Multinational Beanfield
War: Soy cultivation spells doom for Paraguayan campesinos."
In These Times, (4-12-2007). #
0. "Paraguay: Land Reform for Sure, Says Lugo." Prensa
Latina #
0. "Contra la patria sojera." ABC Color, (4-10-2008).
0. "Radio commentator seriously injured in shooting attack
12 days before elections." Reporters Without Borders, (4-10-2008).
0. Paley, Dawn. "Ni una muerte más! Elections in Paraguay."
The Dominion, (4-9-2008). #
0. "Attack on activist stirs fear before Paraguay vote."
Reuters. (4-9-2008). #
0. "Se eleva alarma por violencia electoral en Paraguay."
Reuters. (4-9-2008). #
0. "Paraguay: Land Reform for Sure, Says Lugo." Prensa
Latina, (3-27-2008). #
0. Schaeffer, Jenna. "Is Paraguay Set to be the Next Latin
American Country to Lean to the Left?" Council on Hemispheric
Affairs (06-29-2007). #
0. Gott, Richard. "Rise of the Red Bishop." The Guardian.
(4-10-2008). #
0. Based on phone interview with Marco Castillo. #
0. "Former Bishop Lugo Still Ahead in Paraguay." Angus
Reid Global Monitor. (4-9-2008). #
April Howard is a journalist, translator, and adjunct lecturer
of Latin American studies at the State University of New York,
Plattsburgh. Benjamin Dangl is the author of The Price of Fire:
Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia (AK Press, 2007)
and the editor of TowardFreedom.com, a progressive perspective
on world events. Both are editors at UpsideDownWorld.org, a website
on activism and politics in Latin America. Read other articles
by April Howard, or visit April Howard's website.
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