Plan Colombia Bleeds into
Neighboring Countries
by Sofia Jarrin-Thomas
Z magazine, May 2004

On February 19, 2004, a public hearing
was held in Quito, Ecuador, organized by more than 100 nonprofit
and human rights organizations to symbolically try the former
Ecuadorian ambassador to Argentina. The hearing, called the Tribunal
of Dignity, took place inside a crowded theater holding a diverse
group of attendants: members of the indigenous community, activists,
reporters, NGO professionals, university professors, students,
and concerned citizens. The jury was made up of prominent national
intellectuals. Witnesses called to testify included:
* Pablo Ortiz, editor of one of Ecuador's
chief newspapers, El Comercio
* Mauricio Gandara, diplomat and ex-ambassador
to England
* Kintto Lucas, the head editor of a liberal
political magazine, Tintajf
* Joselinda Iza, an indigenous leader
and regional director for the Women's Crescent Moon Movement
* Nora Cortiha, the founder of the Mothers
of the Disappeared from Plaza de Mayo in Argentina
Only one chair remained empty: the one
meant for the accused, Colonel Lieutenant Germanico Molina, Ecuadorian
ambassador to Argentina. The event was transmitted live to Ecuador
by Radio La Luna and to the rest of Latin America by the Latin
American Educational Radio Satellite Network (ALER). The alleged
crime perpetrated by Colonel Molina rang fear and caution in the
minds of many Ecuadorians, Argentineans, and other Latin Americans
who have lost loved ones under repressive military governments.
President General Lucio Gutierrez appointed
Molina as ambassador to Argentina in spite of complaints that
Molina lacked diplomatic training or experience. In mid-February
2004, Molina paid a visit to General Guillermo Suarez Mason, Argentina's
mastermind behind and leader of the largest torture camp in Argentina
under a military dictatorship that caused the deaths of over 30,000
people. Serving a life sentence under home arrest, the 80-year-old
general was due to celebrate his birthday. Molina decided to take
Mason on a small excursion in the trunk of his car, which enjoyed
diplomatic immunity. They drove to a nightclub, socialized with
strippers, and chatted jovially for over four hours before Molina
brought Mason home. The next day the Argentinean president ousted
Col. Molina from the country and recalled Mason to serve the rest
of his sentence inside a federal prison.
Unfortunately, Molina's peculiar friendship
abroad is only the latest of several incidents that indicate Ecuador,
once a healthy democracy, is becoming a dangerous political environment
for opposition groups. Many believe that Molina's merrymaking
with Mason is clear proof of the kind of networking sought by
the president's officials. Domestic political assassinations were
unheard of a year before President Gutierrez rose to power. With
Gutierrez, an atmosphere of terror unforeseen in the country has
been established only six months into his presidency.
On November 4, 2003, the president of
the Amazon Defense Front and indigenous leader, Angel Shingre,
was shot dead in the city of Coca, Orellana province. It's believed
he was targeted for his 10 years of environmental work and his
involvement in the landmark $1 billion class-action lawsuit by
the Amazonian people against Texaco for illegally polluting their
environment. On January 30, 2004, prosecutor Patricio Campana
was murdered a day before he was due to present evidence on corruption
allegations against oil company officials. Prominent reporters
from alternative media such as Tintajf, Radio La Luna, and other
media networks critical of the current government, also received
death threats.
On February 1, 2004, an assassination
attempt against the president of the largest indigenous organization
in Ecuador, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
(CONAIE), was thwarted by his family. Leonidas Iza had just returned
from Cuba after participating in an international congress against
the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or ALCA, as it is known in
Spanish. Together with his wife, son, and a nephew, he barely
escaped the 13 shots directed at them in front of CONAIE's headquarters.
His 19-year-old son was gravely wounded. Gutierrez's government,
however, claimed these were self-inflicted wounds. The indigenous
community has accused Gutierrez of blatantly refusing to investigate.
They see it as clear evidence of political repression.
Events like these are common to Colombia
where drug traffickers, paramilitaries, guerrilla members, and
countless innocents blend together, becoming frequent targets
from all sides in the 50-year-old armed conflict. According to
findings in a recent Amnesty International report, during 2002
more than 4,000 civilians were killed for political motives; 1,000
people "disappeared"; more than 400,000 were displaced;
and at least 2,700 people were abducted-1,500 by armed opposition
groups and paramilitaries. Such bloodshed had long been absent
in Ecuador.
However, ever since a partnership on "
collaborative efforts against drug trafficking" was signed
between Ecuador and Colombia, there has been an atmosphere of
fear and paranoia everywhere. Denoted as the second stage of Plan
Colombia, some of its procedures entail military action and "campesino
training" by the Ecuadorian government on its border with
Colombia, the continuation of coca crop fumigation regardless
of increasing health complaints in the area, the strengthening
of migration laws dealing with Colombian refugees, and "an
increase in the exchange and coordination of information about
people who act above the law and attempt to cross the frontier
common to both countries. "
A direct result of this partnership was
evidenced on August 24, 2003, when collaboration between Colombian
and Ecuadorian security forces led to the arrest of Simon Freire,
a prominent Colombian guerrilla member, in Quito, Ecuador. According
to Tintajf, Freire is said to have been in Ecuador to arrange
a meeting between the
French government and guerrilla leaders
about its possible involvement in peace talks and the release
of a guerrilla hostage, a French citizen. President Gutierrez
denies any collaboration exists between Ecuadorian and Colombian
security forces. Yet, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe publicly
congratulated the Ecuadorian national police for its efforts.
Moreover, director of public relations at the U.S. Embassy Marti
Stell was quoted in Tintajf as acknowledging that Freire's detention
was "an exemplary act of cooperation between the Colombian
and Ecuadorian police, a conjoined operation that was carried
to perfection. It is a success in the campaign against regional
terrorism. "
At the Tribunal of Dignity, Nora Cortina
reminded the public that Molina's newfound friend, General Mason,
was officially charged with abducting over 500 children and relocating
them among military families-only one of many tactics used .o
repress political opposition. Most importantly, Argentina was
not acting alone. The military dictatorships in Argentina, Brazil,
Uruguay, Chile, and Paraguay were engaged in a concerted campaign
with the United States, between the 1970s and 1980s, to obliterate
any leftist, socialist, or communist "tendencies" in
the southern cone of the continent under a strategy infamously
called Plan Condor. This military strategy would spur masterminds
of cruelty, like Pinochet in Chile, and create a powerful network
of oppression where Argentinean political refugees could be arrested
in Uruguay and Uruguayan members of the resistance could be tortured
in Brazil. The exact extent of this network is not yet known,
but its tactics now seem to be applied in Ecuador and Colombia.
"To forget the past and remain quiet,"
Cortina argued, whose 24-year-old son was disappeared in 1977
by Argentinean armed forces, "is to become an accomplice
of these terrible crimes."
The latest assassination attempts, and
Molina's night cruise with Mason in Argentina, are indicators
that Plan Colombia and irregular methods of repression common
to that conflict are bleeding into neighboring countries. As Joselinda
Iza affirms during her testimony at the tribunal, quoted by the
Independent Media Center, "There is a declared persecution
against social movements, the media, and democratic sectors of
this country that oppose its current regime. "
Sofia Jarrin-Thomas is a freelance writer
currently residing in Boston. She was a human rights activist
in Colombia for three years and has published opinion articles
in Dollars & Sense and the Boston Metro.
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