The Constitution of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
by Susan Scott, attorney
MITF Report, Marin Interfaith
Task Force on the Americas, Summer 2005

The first thing Hugo Chavez did when he
was elected to the presidency of the Venezuela in 1998 was to
call for a constitutional convention. For decades the country
had been governed by two political patties (AD and COPE!), under
an agreement (made at Punto Fijo) to exclude other parties and
bounce support back and forth between AD and COPE!. Before 1998,
to do anything in Venezuela, from running for political office
to participating in a beauty contest, you had to be on the list
of AD or COPEI.
When Chavez called for a constitutional
convention there was universal support for a change. But when
he proposed a way of appointing the members of the Constituent
Assembly, his opponents filed suit and won. The Supreme Court
(which pre-existed the Chavez administration) came up with a formula
for appointing a Constituent Assembly, resulting in an assembly
of 130 members from all over the country. For 10 months the Constituent
Assembly worked on drafting a constitution, and community, labor,
and women's groups from all over the country submitted their ideas
and language, much of which was incorporated into the final document
The final draft was approved by 100% of the Constituent Assembly
- including the right wing and anti-Chavez members - and was submitted
to the populace at large in a referendum in 1999.
With great fanfare, the draft was overwhelmingly
approved on December 15, 1999, and a new set of elections was
held in 2000, under the new Constitution. Chavez again won the
presidency, with almost 60% of the vote. During the ultimately
unsuccessful coup d'etat in April 2002, the first decree, announced
during the short-lived "Presidency" of Pedro Cannona,
was cancellation of the Constitution.
Today a small blue book, the Constitution
of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is given away on city
streets throughout the country, and virtually every Venezuelan
has a copy. As the slogan of the MVR (Chavez' Fifth Republic Movement)
says: "Venezuela, Ahora es de Todos" (Today Venezuela
belongs to all.)
Here are a few things you might want to
know about the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:
Unlike the US Constitution and the French-inspired
constitutions of many countries, the Venezuelan constitution follows
the model set forth by Simon Bolivar, who lead the 19th century
liberation movement from Spain in the area that is now Venezuela,
Colombia and Ecuador. Instead of the three separate and autonomous
powers we have in the US Executive, Legislative and Judiciary,
the Venezuelan constitution provides for FIVE powers: Executive,
Legislative and Judiciary as well as an independent "Citizen's
Power" and "Electoral Power." The Citizen's Power
is composed of three agencies, whose heads are all appointed by
an elaborate nomination and approval process over which the President
has no control. Those agencies are what we would call the Department
of Justice (headed by the Attorney General), the Public Defender
or Ombudsman (with a more extensive jurisdiction than our federal
public defenders), and the office of the Comptroller General.
The Electoral Power is headed by a commission, which is also nominated
and selected by a process independent of the President
Some other major differences between our
system and the new Bolivarian system are that judges, including
the Supreme Court, have limited terms (12 years for the Supreme
Court) and all judges other than the Supreme Court are elected
by the people. All elected officials - from the local municipal
councils to the judges to the President of the Republic - are
subject to popular recall and the Vice President, appointed by
the President, is subject to censure and removal by a 2/3 vote
of the National Assembly. Referenda on legislation can be initiated
by citizens as well as legislators and civil society groups. Although
our press repeatedly refers to Chavez as a dictator, he is in
fact, subject to recall (as was attempted unsuccessfully in 2004),
has no power to appoint the Supreme Court or Attorney General
and has no veto power over legislation. The President's term of
office is 6 years and is limited to two terms. So, since Chavez
was re-elected in 2000, under the new Constitution, his current
term expires next year and if he is re-elected, he could serve
until 2012.
The Bolivarian Constitution, in 350 articles,
contains most all of the provisions of our Bill of Rights, including
due process, public trials, jury of peers, free speech, freedom
of religion, habeas corpus, prohibitions against ex post facto
laws and double jeopardy. It also contains the following provisions
that do not appear in our Constitution, some of which our courts
have haggled over for decades:
* No death penalty
* No penalty of imprisonment for over
30 years
* No amnesty or pardon or statute of limitations
for human rights abuses
* Specific provisions against forced disappearances
* Provision ensuring state ownership of
all mineral and hydrocarbon deposits and prohibition against their
transfer or alienation
* Right to use one's own name and know
the identity of one's parents
* Right to protection of parental rights
regardless of one's marital status
* Right to health care provided by the
* No privatization of hospitals or health
care services
* Right to join a union and strike (subject
to conditions to be determined by law)
* Right to Social Security, regardless
of contribution, including for homemakers
* Right to a clean and healthy environment
and state protection of genetic and biological diversity
* Prohibition against patenting of genome
of living being
* Prohibition against importation, manufacture
or use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons
* Right to subtitles and sign language
on TV (which apparently has yet to be implemented)
The entire document is written in both
male and female genders, and the recently adopted
Election Law contains a 50% rule, requiring
that there be an equal number of female as male candidates for
an elected office.
Ed. Note: The author participated in the
MITF/Global Exchange delegation to Venezuela, April 8-19, 2005
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