Fear Itself
by Wendy Kaminer
The American Prospect magazine, December 2001

Terrorists enjoyed a symbolic victory when Congress shut down
on October 18 to check the premises for anthrax-but both the House
and Senate have seemed increasingly irrelevant anyway since the
September kamikaze attacks. The Bush administration, not Congress,
is responsible for new counterterrorism legislation that includes
breathtaking expansions of federal-law enforcement power, like
the authority to conduct secret searches of your home or office
in an ordinary criminal investigation.
The USA Act (formally, the Uniting and Strengthening America
Act of 2001) passed the Senate 96 to 1 with little debate after
Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold embarrassed and infuriated some
of his liberal colleagues by attempting to introduce privacy protections
to the bill. The House adopted a very similar measure- dubbed
the Patriot (for Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept
and Obstruct Terrorism) Act-after a coup by the administration
and House Republican leaders, who managed a middle-of-the-night
substitution of their bill for a compromise that had been crafted
by the Judiciary Committee. The administration's bill won passage
in the House on a vote of 337 to 79 before many members had the
opportunity even to read it.
Episodes like this should relieve some Democrats from the
burden of worrying about the midterm election-or even bothering
to fund it. If Congress is going to act like an auxiliary of the
executive branch when freedom and safety are at stake, it doesn't
matter much whether Democrats or Republicans are nominally in
charge. These days, only bipartisanship, not dissent, is considered
patriotic; and bipartisanship has come to mean obeisance to Republican
I'm not denigrating patriotism; I just wish that we'd reconsider
its requirements. Legislators who abdicate their legislative power
are no more patriotic than are apathetic voters who stay home
on election day. Dissent, not self-censorship, is patriotic. If,
for example, you believe that the war against Afghanistan is immoral
or dangerously counterproductive, you are obliged to say so. Conservatives
known for excoriating the Clinton administration or loudly lamenting
the tawdriness of American culture should be among the first to
agree that we have both a right and an obligation to dissent from
prevailing opinion when we think it's dead wrong. (You have to
wonder why criticism of government is considered unpatriotic when
uttered by the left and a public service when offered from the
If I were to draw up a list of great citizens and patriots,
it would include a number of dissenters-like Martin Luther King,
Jr., Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Eugene V. Debs, who was imprisoned
in the early years of the century for criticizing U.S. entry into
World War I. Right or wrong about the war, Debs was much more
of a patriot than the bureaucrats who imprisoned him for airing
his opinions.
While today's beleaguered antiwar protesters may be mistaken
in their analysis of terrorism, they're better Americans than
are people who hoard antibiotics that may be needed by their fellow
citizens: Dissenters pose no threat to the nation; but people
who stockpile Cipro or stupidly medicate themselves in the belief
that an antibiotic is like a vaccine are endangering everyone's
health by potentially helping new, resistant strains of bacteria
to develop.
If patriotism requires a sense of community and a willingness
to make sacrifices for the public good, it is undermined by the
survivalism that takes hold when people feel besieged. In the
1960S, Americans fantasized about fallout shelters stocked with
canned goods and ammunition. But the image of an armed man defending
his fortified basement from the neighbors never seemed appealing
or even slightly patriotic to me.
Although panic isn't exactly unpatriotic, it is likely to
engender selfishness, not the extraordinary altruism of the rescue
workers who ran up the stairs of the World Trade Center while
everyone else ran down. So it's fair to say that we have a patriotic
duty to one another to stave off panic and the survivalist behaviors
it encourages. (Stoicism has rarely seemed more virtuous.) Personally,
though I have a good deal of sympathy for postal workers, I've
become impatient with people who fear opening their mail. And
I'm not persuaded by those who rationalize their panic by pointing
to the unprecedented nature of bioterrorism. What do they imagine
the plague felt like to people in the Middle Ages? What must AIDS
feel like to people in Africa today?
Some say that we can't live with fear- but few people have
ever lived without it. You don't have to imagine a holocaust;
just think of life in a high-crime housing project. There's probably
no period in history that hasn't been shaped by fear of war, disease,
or some other arbitrary disaster. From that perspective, there's
nothing particularly new about what Americans are enduring today
except for the fact that it's Americans enduring it. And at least
we don't have to believe that the threat of anthrax or a smallpox
epidemic issues from nature or from a wrathful God: We know that
it's posed by other human beings, and we can at least imagine
stopping them.
So it was discouraging to hear the president describe Osama
bin Laden as "the evil one," as if he were Satan himself
or a demon on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We need to acknowledge
that bin Laden is a murderous human being, however much we want
to exclude him from the species. There's nothing supernatural
about terrorism; human barbarism requires no help from the devil.
People who believe that confronting terrorism requires God's help
will disagree, but I suspect that what we mostly need now is self-control.
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