World Trade Organization (WTO)

" ... no democratically
achieved environmental, health or food safety law challenged at
tht WTO has ever been upheld. All have been declared barriers
to trade. "
Lori Wallach and Michelle Sforza
- Public Citizen
"The rules of the world
economy serve the interests of the multinational companies; they
do not serve the interests of the vast majority of the people
on this planet."
The Progressive magazine
... stopping the WTO is at
best, a first step toward creating rules for the gobal economy
that tame corporate power and protect popular aims and democratic
processes. "
David Moberg - In These Times
"Since it was created
in 1995, the WTO has ruled that every environmental, health, or
safety policy it has reviewed is an illegal trade barrier."
Public Citizen report, titled
'Whose Trade Organization? Corporate Globalization and the Erosion
of Democracy."
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