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Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman
Bad News - The Decline of Reporting - Tom Fenton
Censored Foreign Policy stories - Project Censored

Conglomerates and the Media - Erik Barnouw, et al
Corporate Media & Threat to Democracy - McChesney
Decline and Fall of Public Broadcasting - David Barsamian
Free Press, The - an essay on the manipulation of news and opinion, and how to counter it - Hilaire Belloc (1918)

Information War - Nancy Snow
Inventing Reality - Michael Parenti
It's the Media, Stupid - McChesney and Nichols
George Seldes Reader, The - Randolph T. Holhut

Global Media - the No-Nonsense guide - Peter Steven

"The majority of people believe in incredible things which are absolutely false. The majority of people daily act in a manner prejudicial to their general well-being."

Ashley Montagu, American anthropologist

Manufacturing Consent - N Chomsky/E Herman
Media Control - Noam Chomsky
Media Monopoly, The - Ben Bagdikian
Nation Magazine, The - Selections 1865-1990
Necessary Illusions

Networks of Power-Corporate TV Threat to Democracy - Dennie Mazzocco
New Media Monopoly, The - Ben Bagdikian

News About the News, The - Leonard Downie and Robert Kaiser
On Bended Knee - Mark Hertsgaard
Our Media Not Theirs - McChesney and Nichols
Pentagon Propaganda Machine, The - J. William Fulbright
Problem of the Media, The - Robert McChesney

Project Censored-annual report on censored stories
Propaganda - Edward Bernays (1928)

Propaganda, Inc. - Nancy Snow

"Politicians and the media have conspired to infantilize, to dumb down, the American public. At heart, politicians don't believe that Americans can handle complex truths, and the news media, especially television news, basically agrees."

Tom Fenton, former CBS foreign correspondent

Republican Noise Machine, The - David Brock
Rich Media, Poor Democracy - Robert McChesney
Static - Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back - Amy Goodman and David Goodman

Stenographers to Power - media and propaganda - David Barsamian interviews
Through the Media Looking Glass - Jeff Cohen & Norman Solomon
Toxic Sludge Is Good For You - John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton
Tragedy & Farce - Robert McChesney and John Nichols

Trust Us, We're Experts! - John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton
Twenty Years of Censored News - Project Censored / Peter Phillips
Unreliable Sources - Normon Solomon
War, Lies & Videotape - International Action Center
What Liberal Media? - Eric Alterman
What the People Know - Freedom and the Press - Richard Reeves

Wizards of Media OZ - Normon Solomon



How To Detect Bias In News Media
Stenographers to Power (11/04)
Big Media's Democracy Double Standards - Ukraine (11/04)
Meet the Stenographers - press shirks duty (12/04)
A Televisual Fairyland - US Media Disciplined by Corporate America (1/05)
Class Consciousness Matters - New York Times & Wall Street Journal (7/05)
The Texas Observer at 50 - Bill Moyers speech, November 21, 2005
The Op-Ed Assassination of Hugo Chavez (11/05)

The New York Times Versus Civil Society - protests, tribunals, labor and militarization and wars (12/05)
Thomas Friedman and the Murder of Civilians [Iraq] (1/06)
Media Disconnect from America: It's the Geography, Stupid (11/06)
Press Freedom: US Drops to 53rd Place (11/06)
The New York Times: More Lies About The Economy (2/07)
The Seymour Hersh Mystery [Iran] (3/07)
The Record of the Newspaper of Record [New York Times] (6/07)
Honored by Hatred: Elite Propaganda and U.S. Policy in the Middle East (7/07)
Looking at America - New York Times (12/07)
What You Should Know about The Associated Press - And What You're Not Learning from Them (8/08)
Washington Post Is a Neocon Propaganda Sheet (3/09)
'Reporters Without Borders' Lies about Venezuela (7/09)
'The Select Few' Are Cashing in: Shocking Corruption at the Washington Post (7/09)
Can Journalism Schools Be Relevant in a World on the Brink? (9/09)
Why Journalist Gary Webb Died (12/09)
The New York Times on Nepal: Skewing the Himalayan Revolution (2/10)
The Woeful Washington Post (3/10)

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